
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Someone Gave Me a Hand Today - A True Angel

Once again, I was working in the yard, giving Princess Rides and fitting girls for their sweat pants for camp. I had people in and out and was in and out myself. I was on one of my "ins" when I grabbed the mail.

There was a thick envelope with a little tare in one corner. It had no return address. It was addressed to me. When I opened it, I could see some money sticking out of the bottom of the card. I was thinking perhaps one of the girls sent and early Mothers Day card. 
I looked to see who sent the card and there was no signature or writing on the card at all. Then I saw the typed note. I didn't get half way through the note before I was bawling quite hard.  

I didn't want princess five to hear me crying until I got myself in control so I went to my room for a few minutes to get myself composed. 

It didn't take long but about then Princess Five came up, I shared the card and letter with her. She thought it was as sweet as I did. 

I didn't feel great on Sunday at church and haven't felt well in a long time. I am frustrated with Dr.'s not putting things together and I think I have found some information that gives me some hope about my health but I think I cried because I don't feel good and to have people notice makes it worse. 

I was overwhelmed by their kindness and generosity and I am sure they don't know that this is my last month for child support for Princess Four so my income will be decreased by a fourth or so. 

I am SO grateful for kind people who take notice of things. I had a friend show up to have her daughter and herself fitted for the sweats for camp and I was sharing the thoughtfulness of the card and money I received today and her mouth dropped open and said she and her husband had that exact conversation today about how wonderfully amazing my girls have turned out and how on a low income I have been able to give my girls all the opportunities that others have and sometimes even more. 

I joked and asked if her husband sent me a check. She laughed and said she didn't think so. I really think it was a woman as I don't see many men at church but it made me wonder how many others have had that conversation having heard of two in one day. 

As I was working in the yard later, I was giving gratitude for kind people who can see and notice when others are in need and may need a helping "hand." It brought to my mind times when I have been that person. I realized that I haven't been that person as often recently as I have in the past. I have noticed several times when others may need my help but due to not feeling well, I let the moment pass or let someone else take the opportunity to do service. 

I know there is a time and a season for each of us and I hope that my time for needing a helping "hand" will be over soon and that I may be the one extending my "hand" soon. 

To the kind angel that sent me the $100, I will and have prayed that you will be blessed 100 fold for your kindness.

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