
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ruth's Funny Bunko Story - Lie Worth Sharing

I posted a few weeks ago about my dear friend Ruth passing on in an accident. Recently, someone started compiling stories for a book to give her children of "Favorite Memories of Ruth." 

One of the bunko ladies said she would collect our memories and pass them along to the woman compiling the book. 

We were at bunko last week. Two of the bunko ladies said they were now willing to share their favorite "Ruth" memory. 

They have kept this secret for 13 years or so. They never even told Ruth this story. I can't help thinking that Ruth is having a good chuckle about this even now since she never even knew.

When someone in our bunko group leaves, we each get to suggest new people to take their place and then we place all those suggestions into a "hat" and have someone pull out a name. 

Ruth's name was put in the "hat" once and a different person's name was picked to fill the void in our group. 

Two of the members of our group weren't so happy that Ruth then had to wait for someone to move which can take years as more than half of our original members are still in the group for over 20 years now. 

The next time a drawing was to be held, they had pieces of paper and when someone made a suggestion for a new member, they would act like they were writing down the name the person suggested when in actuality, they were writing Ruth's name down on every piece of paper so that no matter what piece of paper was drawn, Ruth would be the new member to our group. 

I couldn't believe that they never told us after all the years she has been in the group. She was such a perfect fit that I couldn't imagine anyone else in her place. I guess they just figured they KNEW she should be in our group and took matters into their own hands. 

They did say that they didn't want to be in charge of any more of the drawings for new members as they have felt guilty over that for all these years and never even told Ruth about it. They said they never told anyone. 

I don't think anyone holds them any hard feelings for their drawing her name but it is probably good they withdrew themselves from future drawings. (I am chuckling as I write that.) 

We had a tender mercy this month when the woman hosting bunko pulled out the schedule, she realized that somehow, last years schedule got placed in the box. Ruth wasn't supposed to host bunko last month when she made the meal all Gluten free just for me. It was actually my month to host but somehow the old schedule got in the box. She was supposed to host April. We just swapped months. If the schedule hadn't gotten swapped, we never would have had that last meeting at Ruth's the week before she passed away. 

I think sometimes things like that happen through no fault of anyone, it just happened. I usually am aware of my month several months in advance and for me to not realize it was odd in itself.  

I thought I would share these stories and let you all know how amazing the funeral went and show the beautiful wreath our group sent. I loved that it was a wreath and not just flowers as I do think our friendship is eternal as we have all been through so much together over the years. Births, deaths, divorce, weddings, and now, grandchildren. The woman that hosted this week just announced that she is expecting her first grandchild. I LOVE being part of the "grandma" club. We are all in the similar stages of life and filling Ruth's spot is going to be a difficult thing as there isn't anyone quite like Ruth.

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