
Friday, April 3, 2015

Finished Cinderella Dress - Adding Inches to a Dress

Princess Five is doing Cinderella for her musical theater routine at state. I shared about how I made the dress out of a dress another person made from some fabric I had and ruined it so it wasn't ever used in the play "Into the Woods" we did a few years ago. 
Click here for sash and neckline post. 

Click here for post about the sleeves alteration post

Click here for the cloak to see the dress before I added the inches.

You can clearly see in the finished cloak picture that the dress touches the ground but when she puts her shoes on and her hoop in, the dress was really short. 

You can see in the top picture, even with the added three inches I put on in this post, you can see that with her heels and hoops on, the dress isn't touching the floor. Without the added three inches, it would have been really short.

I took the extra portion of dress panel that I took out and used for the sleeve. I then cut it in half and used the entire length I had left to add the three inches to the dress bottom. 

In order to have the seam not show for adding the length, I used the same lace that I used on the cloak edges to cover the seam. 
I didn't want to do a ruffle as I didn't think it would look good but I also didn't have enough fabric to do ruffles anyway. 

I also already had a hem on the bottom so instead of pinning right sides together to make the joining seam, I actually sewed the bottom fabric to the inside seam of the hem.

It didn't matter if the thread showed as I planned on adding the lace on top anyway so it was not hard to sew the length on the bottom of the dress. 
I also wanted to give the dress a bit of a train so when I went to hem the extra fabric I added on, I made the hem longer in the back and shorter in the front. You can clearly see the train when she is walking away or sideways even though it is a little one. You can see it in the back picture above.
When I sewed the lace on the top of the seam, I actually used a sewing machine with off-white thread. 

When I sewed the lace onto the thin cloak, I had to sew it on by hand or the lace would pick up and fold in places and the thin fabric, you could see through. 

With this thicker drape type fabric, it was easy to sew it on using a sewing machine. I did have to sew a top and a bottom line to capture all the edges of the lace as it is wide on one side and then the other. 
My friends commented that I never showed pictures of the finished dress in my other posts so I wanted to let you see how beautiful it is now that it is finished and how Princess looks like a real Princess in it.

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