
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cell Phone Covers for Cheap - Factory Reset a MUST

I've purchased four smart phones in the past month. Verizon has a new plan that if you don't purchase their new phones and two year agreements, since they don't have to subsidize the cost of a new phone, they will give you $15 back per month on your group plans for each smart phone and $10 back on each flip phone on your account that doesn't have a contract. 
With that new program, it is actually less now to update the girls phones that are purchased rather than renewing a contract. I was happy to be able to purchase an iphone for Princess Two with her sisters chipping in some. Her birthday is coming up and I know she loves her ipod and knows the running system so we got the iphone as she doesn't always like learning new electronics. 
Princess Three is a very discerning shopper and searched for what she wanted researching her wants verses phones and decided to go with a Samsung. It has LOTS of storage and she is thrilled with the features. She purchased it for herself and has been the "trial" run for smart phones on the plan for a few months and she LOVES it.
Princess Four at college needed an upgrade so I purchased a Droid used off the local "yardsale" site.  I gave her the phone and then took it back to see if I could sync her contacts or something and I got into the internal memory of the phone.

When I bought the phone, I asked the woman selling the phone if they had taken all the pictures and video off joking about how I would hate to find "porn" on it. The woman looked a bit nervous and took the phone back to make sure they had removed videos and pictures. 

When I got into the internal memory, I found all sorts of personal pornography. It took me a few minutes to even figure out what I was viewing. It was her husbands phone and I guess he didn't want the kids finding it or something it so it wasn't in the "video" section. I immediately called Verizon as I couldn't find the factory reset fast enough.

Verizon was wonderful to help me reset the phone and Princess Four has been happy using her birthday gift for a few weeks. I got two 4G phones from a local person who upgraded to the Samsung new phone. I needed to put new covers on them so I could put them into their cases. 

I purchased some covers for a larger LG at a second hand store for $1 for two covers. I have also purchased covers at the dollar store in the past. 

You can use white board dry erase markers to mark the cover as it needs to be cut to fit and then cut it down to size and then wipe off the marker after it is cut to size.

If the cover has a clear protection on both sides of the cover, you can actually use a sharpie or other marker to mark the cover before cutting it. 

It is wonderful to be able to have covers on hand. It is good to cover them for spare ipods or phones you may want to let your kids play with for games or to put movies on them and allow them to use for personal viewing in the car etc. You can just load them up with a few movies and just leave them in the car for those times when they have to wait for you in a store or the trip is taking longer due to traffic or something. 

The moral of this story, ALWAYS factory reset phones before selling them or when buying them before looking at any memory. I wish I could get those images out of my head as I found it disturbing but in the end, it was a bit of a blessing as the staff at Verizon gave me an extra gig of memory each month for a year due to the stress of the event. I know Verizon is trying to get everyone switched over to smart phones but it wasn't Verizon that sold me on upgrading. 

Princess Two used her phone over Easter for us to facetime / skype Princess One and her family and after visiting with my grand princess face to face on her phone, I was SOLD. I had to upgrade to a phone that I could use to video chat my beautiful baby! Not that I will hate having a camera that works on my phone as I broke mine about a month ago and I didn't realize how much I actually used the camera on my phone. 

Yahoo for new phones. Hopefully, I will be able to get the phones all hooked up this next week and we will all be able to video each other!

I can't wait to see grand princess's cute reactions to my talking with her. We actually had a conversation of sorts this week. I LOVE being a grandma!!!!!

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