
Monday, March 30, 2015

Play Ground Beautiful, Smell, Not So Beautiful

I was thrilled having Princess Four home for her spring break this week. We enjoyed time together but I did ask her for some help this week and had Princess Five help as well. 
The day I planned on spreading out the mulch, I got a call soon after staring saying that the food bank had a pallet of strawberries they needed distributed so I got side tracked for hours visiting and distributing flats of strawberries around town. 
By the time I got home, it was late in the day and I asked the girls to help me by moving the two wheel barrels back and forth while I shoveled them full. 

They were good to help until it started getting dark. They got a second wind when I explained that I had the funeral for my friend the next morning and a Dentist appointment for Princess Four the next afternoon. 

They were good troopers and we filled most of the play area and underneath the trampoline. 
When they were both hauling and spreading, between fillings their barrels, I finished one half of the front beds. I pulled out some weeds and filled in with the mulch. I have one small spot left before putting back the stepping stones shown.

You can see the other side of the yard with the weeds and bare dirt. I didn't have time of Friday or Saturday to finish up the yard so I am hoping I can get to it this week as we take Sundays off from working as a day of rest. 
You can see the other side needing to be cleaned out and mulch spread. I did want to put more mulch underneath the trampoline but don't want to use it all up until I get the front and side beds filled up with the mulch. 

I still have a few things I want to finish in the yard and need to take out a dead tree along with washing the picture window vinyl edges but, I have to say that I am happy with the way the back yard is looking with the trees all pruned, wood stacked and the mulch being put in. 
It seems like a yard and home keep you really busy with landscaping etc but since I haven't pruned the big tree in 15 years and haven't put down mulch in 7 years, it is just a big year for catching up on those type of things. 

I will be so happy to have those things off my "to do" list. 

I have forgotten how horrible the mulch smells the first week or two until I went out to the get the mail the next morning as the yard was getting warm with the sun. The smell wears off quickly and I am happy about that. I will also be happy to have my driveway back. 

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