
Friday, March 6, 2015

Gluten Free, Diary Free, and Sugar Free Oatmeal Cookies

I was cleaning a pile of "to get to" things I had and found this gluten free oatmeal cookie recipe I wanted to try. 

Princess Five had a friend over and I asked if they wanted to help me make these cookies. They said they did. 

I thought I had a package of gluten free oatmeal but as it turns out, I only had the little packets of apple oatmeal so we opened those and used those in place of the plain oatmeal. 

In the end, it was a bit sticky as I told them to use a bit less milk than the recipe called for as we didn't have quite two cups of oats so we put some gluten free Chex granola in that had cranberries in it. Thus the red dots on the finished cookies. 

They liked it so much they would have just continued to eat the dough. They both had about a 1/4 cup of the dough as you can see here, they were enjoying their feast of dough once they got the cookies in the oven.

Gluten, Sugar, and Dairy Free Oatmeal Cookies

3 Mashed Bananas (I used frozen that I collected when I had extra that got ripe)
1/3 C Apple Sauce (used an unsweetened single serve cup)
2 C Oats Gluten Free
1/4 C Almond Milk, Rice Milk or Coconut Milk
1/2 C raisins or Chocolate Chips (get sugar free if needed)
1 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients. Drop onto baking sheet. We didn't use oil on the sheet but I think you could have used non-stick spray. Once on the sheet, press them down to be flat so they will store better once baked. Also they will be less doughy and bake more evenly. Bake for 15-20 minutes.
The girls just dropped them on the sheet and they were a bit high and doughy so after most of the baking time, I used a fork to squish them down a bit making them flatter and put them back in for a few more minutes. 

We put them on a rack to cook and the girls enjoyed them. I have never been a fan of oatmeal cookies, probably because I was allergic and didn't know but I haven't really liked cooked fruit such as raisins.
When we make these again, I am going to use straight gluten free oatmeal skipping the apple bits from the packets and the cranberries from the granola. Other than that I really enjoyed them and the girls enjoyed them so much her friend wanted to take some home with her. 

I love that I am finding EASY recipes for gluten free items that are GOOD to eat and don't taste like they are missing something. I am going to make some of these cookies from the past few days posts and freeze them as a treat for one of the girls who is gluten free. I know she will enjoy them as much as we have!

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