
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pop or Soda Can Tab Purse

Since I am out of town for the funeral, I wanted to post this as it is something once again that I haven't made but saw and thought was VERY creative. 

I sometimes wonder how people come up with these things. How do they create the patterns and figure out which recyclable material to use. 

I also wonder sometimes at their reasoning. This purse obviously took a long time to make. The stitches are small and mostly tightly together. The pop can tabs are hand stitched in. 

I think to myself on something like this that the time it takes to make the product and calculate in the cost of the cotton or nylon yarn or sting verses the functionality or style of the purse and is it really worth making.

I do think these recycled things are cute but after the initial first time of wearing them, I have never seen anyone wear them again. 

I have posted about making pop can tab jewelry. Click here for that post. I have posted about making belts, Click here for that post. Here is a post about the first time Princess Five made some pop tab jewelry. 

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