
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

CNA -Passing the Boards

I wanted to do this post to let everyone know how proud I am of Princess Four. She passed her Certified Nursing Assistant Boards. She took the course during her last year of High School but was so busy that she wasn't able to take the test as they are only in our area on a few week days for a few hours so trying to match her schedule with the testing schedule didn't make it easy for her to get them done. 

There isn't a testing center in her college town so she had to come home to take them. She missed classes one day and spent the weekend studying and was able to take the test.

After a few weeks wait, she was notified that she passed the test and is now certified to work! Yea! I couldn't help but purchase her the "Princess" scrubs since she loves being called a Princess.
We went out to dinner the other night to celebrate and as we were leaving, Princess Four said, "Look at the number on the door!" It wasn't an address so we weren't sure why it had a 111 on it but we took it as a good sign. We are really proud of all the amazing things she is doing in her life and world! I don't know that she will ever use the knowledge but at least at this point she can if she chooses.

I told all the girls that I didn't want them to go into nursing as it is such a difficult profession for a mother and it is quite stressful as jobs go. But, as a CNA, for a job to pay for college and to be able to study nights when the floor is slow, it is a great job. 

Way to go Princess!! We are proud of you!

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