
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Western Egg Omelette

I had a VERY long day and am super tired. I hurt my neck a few days ago and haven't been able to sleep well as every time I move my head, it really hurts and wakes me up. 

With that, I am going to do a quick post and hopefully will feel better tomorrow. 

I made up a recipe the other day and thought it was so good that I would blog about it. 

I fried up some corn tortillas cut into squares and while they were cooking, I threw in some eggs and some hot sauce. As it was about finished, I put pepper jack cheese on and let it melt. It was really good. 
It had a western flavor with the tortillas, hot sauce and pepper jack cheese.

I loved that it was easy and quick yet good.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure that this is the best place to post this it.... I have wanted to say Thank you for being brave about your whole ordeal. It is close enough to my own situation that you made meo e on with
    I have found superioS help now but might hsve given up with the whole thing before reading your posts. Thank you, dear lady, for putting me, the needy in a very need possitiom. I hope now of your sweet babies have suffered irevocabbl( hate spell check) because of it . Wish you lived in VA I think you could become s personal friend. Maybe in heaven 🙂🙂🙂
