
Monday, January 19, 2015

The Sewing Machine Is Out of the Bag Literally - Part 3

Princess One was SO excited to open her Christmas Gift. Many times through the day she asked about when we were going to open presents. I was so focused on getting the meal done and cleaning up that I made her wait. 
When we got to it, I probably wasn't in the best spot to film it or take pictures but I think I was a bit tired at that point. 

To see her excitement, watch the video to the left. 

SHE LOVED her machine. For those of you that don't know Princess One personally, if I get a smirk when giving her a gift, I know I have done a good job. If I get a small contemplative smile, I have done great. She just doesn't show a ton of emotion normally. 
For me to get a lasting smile that didn't stop for about five minutes, I think I hit the mother load! She spent a few hours opening my machine, comparing models, figuring out how to thread hers, and the next thing I know, she had sewn a hat!!! 

I was so shocked that she had already figured out how to use it. She checked the bobbin winder as well and it worked just fine. She left it out for a few days and got online looking up the best place to find the history and bobbins etc. 

It is a beautiful machine and it was probably good for me to learn how to service it as we have very similar machines and now I know how to pull it apart and put it back together again. Click here for part one about this machine. Click here for part two about this machine.

I feel so blessed to have found a machine that is in such good condition other than the sticky oil. We will keep our eyes open for a cabinet with a treadle now so that when she does get a home, she will have two options. 

She did tell me that it was hard work cranking with one hand while guiding the fabric with the other hand so I can see why the crank isn't the best option and a treadle would be a better deal as you could use your hands to guide it and your feet to power it. 

Heavenly Father is so wonderful to help me find something that she wanted for Christmas. A few of the girls told me this was the "Best Christmas Ever!"

I think I would have to agree. Family all home, several days to enjoy it, Grand-Princess making us all smile, wonderful gifts in a safe and beautiful home. I am VERY Grateful for all my many blessings. Other than the first Christmas of all time, I would have to say it WAS the best Christmas Ever.

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