
Thursday, January 22, 2015

One Empty Freezer Makes Three Full Freezers

I had a SUPER long day. I was up early for a Dr. appointment and had some visits for labs and pharmacy. By the time that was over and I finished a few errands, I got word that the walk in freezer at the food bank went out again. 
This same freezer has gone out three or four times. Less than six months ago, we replaced the condenser at no small cost. 

The condenser is out again and it is under warranty but the labor to fix it isn't under warranty, not to mention, the thousands of dollars of food that is now thawed and can't be refrozen.
Last time this happened, I ended up with all my freezers full and a few days later, my mother ended up in the hospital for months with me at her side. Click here for a post about that. 

I pray that this time brings no such problems for me but I am grateful for the food I got today and for the many families I was able to bless by filling my car with cases of thawed meats and distributing them. 

My freezers were quite full of produce from the gardens of my wonderful neighbors but I cooked some ham tonight and froze it in small containers for us to use for sandwiches. 
In the fridge, I have a turkey and some spare ribs that I will cook tomorrow. 

I am truly blessed. 

With the food bank misshap, I didn't get to my yard as early as I would have liked. It was nearly dark by the time I finished distributing meats. 

I went out and was outside for about 5 hours finishing up bundling and raking all the smaller branches as I wanted to get it all to the curb for trash day as I am worried we may get snow and I didn't want branches under snow as they trip us up as we can't see them. 

It is SO cold outside tonight. I can't seem to get warm. In the end I filled seven trashcans, a wheel barrel and there are about 30 bundles of branches for the trash men. I wish I had taken photos when it was lighter but you can still see the line of branches at the curb and all that is left on the ground is big branches that need cutting. 
I do have some pruning to the back of the tree I need to finish but my poor body is so sore with lifting all the meats and bending, raking and carrying bundles of branches that I can hardly stand up straight as I am so sore. I am looking forward to my heated mattress pad as I am still shivering from being outside.

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