
Monday, January 26, 2015

Family New Year Letter Part One

Happy New Year Friends and Family

This year has been the best in years. Everyone is home, healthy and blessed. We had no surgeries this year and no foreign travel. The biggest issue with home and cars were a little deer incident where the Buck thought he owned the road and just stood in the middle until I hit the brakes and then he decided to back track into my path. Some hammering, spray-paint, plumbers tape on the bumper, a headlight off of eBay, and a trip for a new axle and all is good! I am thrilled that was our biggest adventure this year!

The highlight of the year is Grand-princess One arrived into the world last February and has been the Joy of our existence. I never knew being a grand-mother could be so much fun. They go through the stages of life so fast in the first year but she now has several teeth, walks, “counts” and just makes life a joy for us all. 

 Prince and Princess One – Ages no longer needed here. Prince One is working as a Civil Engineer for a wonderful company. He just had his first year review and they really appreciate his work and gave him a raise as their two man office has the highest income of any starting office in the history of the company. He will be taking a CAD course (his request to the company) to update his architecture side of his Masters in Engineering to make him even more valuable. Princess One is blessed to be able to now stay at home with her daughter as she finished up working for the state foster care system early in the year. She has become a master with fibers. She should visit my good friends in New Zealand as she is constantly making new things with wool. Anything you can do with wool or fibers, she is doing it, spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting etc. She has made many new friends in their area and both are serving in their local church. They are happy and we LOVED having them come over Christmas and hope we will have many more visits this year.

Princess Two – She is working on a University Campus in the Human Resource dept at the MTC. She really likes her job but isn’t thrilled with having to wear skirts and conservative earrings to work but enjoys the energy and spirit of all the young missionaries and has gotten to see lots of her cousins as they attend the MTC before leaving for various missions around the world. One of the bosses asked her on a walk recently and she thought she may be in trouble for something but was told that she is the friendliest worker there and was given high praise so she is wondering if they may offer her full time soon as she is ¾ time now as many companies won’t high full time with the new health care standards set by the government. 

There are only a few full time employees of the hundreds that work there. She worked at the Provo temple and still volunteers and attends often as she is available. She was just released from her church position as Relief Society President where she was over the women of the congregation helping organize and plan meetings and overseeing to the needs of the women in her area. She isn’t dating anyone specific at the moment but keeps VERY active doing service and dating and is extremely social, planning Murder Mystery parties, etc and has matched up several of her friends with their now spouses.

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