
Friday, December 19, 2014

The Sewing Machine is Out of the Bag - Part One

Yesterday, I was at a second hand store early in the morning after running some errands. I don't usually go in the morning as I like the afternoon because they have put out new things throughout the day. Sometimes in the morning, they are slow to put out new items. 
Being in a small town, the stores get shopped and items go quickly so being there when they are putting the items out gives you a better selection. In the morning, they have meetings and training so afternoon is usually best. I usually see the "regular" shoppers there about the same time as they know the secret as well. 

I saw something in their "collectable" cabinet where they lock items of value up. It was something I have never seen in my near 50 years of life. 

It was a portable hand wind / crank sewing machine. I was in awe of it. I immediately pulled it out and started playing with it. 

I couldn't get the crank to move and by turning the winding part on the side, I could barely get it to move. 

It was beautiful and the paint looked great and there wasn't any rust but it wasn't moving. 

I bought a BEAUTIFUL sewing machine while living back east. It too is a Singer antique treadle machine and does have the spot on the side where you can attach a hand crank. 

I didn't know that about it until yesterday. I had never noticed that little spot on the side that attaches the handle crank. 

Princess Three and Four have NEVER seen the sewing machine and didn't know that the carved cabinet was a sewing machine until today! I couldn't believe that. I will have to ask Princess Five tomorrow if she has ever seen it. 

Princess One was telling me not to long ago that she would like a treadle machine but she doesn't have the space for it. 

When I saw this crank one I immediately thought of her. It is so beautiful, it could just be for decoration but how great that she could have it for emergency use as well. 

The second through seventh picture are of my machine. 

Mine is in immaculate condition except for the cabinet cover on the left where the handle pulled off and the wood splintered where they used a tool to open the cabinet door over the drawers. The machine itself is great. A little dusty as you can see in the pictures but a wonderful machine.
I think I paid $150 but it may have been $195 thinking back but it was somewhere about there. I had never seen or ever since seen a treadle machine in an enclosed cabinet with such beautiful carving etc. I also love that both sides of the cabinet open so two people can treadle at the same time. That is fun. 

The machine is spring loaded and I push the little brass button and the machine slides up on a pulley of some kind like a dumb waiter would. 

Push the button and you can then lower it as well. Very creative cabinet and it keeps the machine in an upright position all the while where as most of the flip top treadles fold the machine down into the top of the cabinet so the machine is sideways for storage. 
I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful piece of art that is functional as well. 

This hand crank machine was $75. I am guessing they marked it that way because it didn't move. Also, they usually look one up online and sell it for about half of what you can get it for on eBay. 
When I looked on eBay, they have nothing for that cheap and the one's in similar shape are $399-$499. There are some that are really rusty or not in a case that are cheaper but I had never seen anything like this before. 
I love that the little compartment they have has a lipped back that inserts and then has a metal clip that pushes the top into place holding in your bobbins and needles as you transport the machine. 
Those Singer designers were on top of it for their day. The case has swivel metal hooks on the top and swivel hoops on the bottom and they slide in and then there is a little "keyhole" on the other side and using a screwdriver, I was able to lock and unlock the case top easily. 

With it locked, I was able to move it easily around. I love the cute little handle on the top that has ridges and is wooden so it can swing freely but the ridges help your fingers maintain a grip on it as it is heavy. Those designers were so thoughtful to each detail. 

To be continued.                          

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