
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Gratitude Pays in the End

I shared in yesterday's post about how I got a new door handle from a scrap car parts yard. It is the cheapest way I have found for almost any car part or engine part. Here is a post about me trying to find a part that you can't get new.

I have gotten starters, alternators, radiators, tires, spares, rims, jacks, hitches, windows, hoods and many other cosmetic parts from many different auto salvage yards.

With that, when I purchased this car for Princess One three years ago, I called around to many places trying to fine the molding piece you see missing in the top picture. 

While calling around for the part in the other post, I didn't even remember that she needed that part. None had the part back then but when I got the rear door handle that I posted about yesterday, I forgot to ask them about the plastic piece that is on the window frame. 

I called them a few days after putting the handle on and asked them if they had that piece of cosmetic molding. They told me they had it. I asked how much it would be and they told me $10. I thought that was a bit much but to make the car not look like a junker for my Princess to drive, I told them I would take it. 

I had Princess Five practice her driving as the parts place is 1/2 hour away round trip. She needs practice time as our town is so small she gets a minute here and a minute there of driving experience and time.

I felt like I should take the men at the shop some dried apples. I don't know them and only met them that one time when I got the handle and the back cover for Princess One's new car. I left without them and felt strongly that I should go get them. So, I went back into the house and got a bag of dried apples to share with the guys that own the shop. 

We arrived and I went in bearing my gifts of fruit and telling them I appreciated how they got back with me each time I have asked them about some part. Sometimes they haven't had it. I actually have gotten a part there before but someone else picked it up and I shared that with them as well.

The man that gave me the information on how to put the door handle on walked in while I was visiting with the owner and I joked about his "easy" to put on door handle. He looked at me blankly until I explained how I took off the three screws and panel only to find that I had no way to get the window crank off. 

They both started laughing as I explained that because of them I now have "truckers" mouth as I couldn't get the handle off to get to the doors outside handle. The worker told me he has gotten them off without the tool before and I asked him if he was planning on putting the handle back on the door once he got it off? He laughed and told me "no" as he was taking the panel off to get to a needed part, not to use the crank on a window again. 

We all had a good laugh as they knew they had messed up as both were there when he told me it was easy to put on. With that, he picked up my dried apples and told me the part I wanted was "on the house" and let me have the part for FREE!

So, my little "Feeling" to take them apples was really my guardian angel telling me that when I express gratitude and humor to others, I get the same back. I went home feeling very blessed and grateful that my Heavenly Father cares enough to help me in my caring of my girls to get me the part I needed to fix up the car for my girls. Why wouldn't he care to help me when I am helping my girls. That part was not a big deal in the scheme of things but to a young girl, having a car that looks nice can be a big deal. And to me, at Christmas time and with house taxes due, $10 is a lot of money. I know the girls would take and be grateful for whatever I give them but why not have it be the best it can be.... 

I give gratitude for my girls, the cars, my brother-in-law, my guardian angels and my Heavenly Father. All whom I love and give gratitude for daily.

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