
Friday, November 14, 2014

Best Week Ever! - Suprises all Around

Princess Four had a great surprise today. She has a night class and walking from her one class to that night class, she ran into the professor. She asked him if she could skip his class that night and go to a game at our town as the bus was taking students to cheer for their team. 

He told her that class was canceled because he had to go to the game. She jumped on the bus and got a ride to our town. My car was at the mechanic so Princess Five picked her up and she joined us for dinner. 

It was so fun having four of the five girls here and all of their visits were unexpected and unplanned. We went to the dairy for shakes, got pedicures, went shopping and got to spend lots of quality time with Grand Princess number one. 

I got the crib out of my garage as it fit in the new car she purchase even with three adults, a carseat with Princess and our luggage. 

Princess One was great to let us get time with her doll and we had constant smiles as she was so cute. They woke me up the first morning with her and stuck her on my bed and she just talked and smiled and was so cute. It was the best way to wake up EVER!

I am going to miss them when they are gone but look forward to spending time with them all on the holiday. 

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