
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Coolest "In God We Trust" Moment

I have been having a hard time financially lately with all the cheer payments, getting two girls set at new colleges, car repairs, expensive gas and health problems. It seems like there is always somewhere for the money to go. 

Lately, I have just been tossing my "found" money into this cute little bird bath decoration that I have. I got it around girls camp time and just started tossing my coins into it when I found them a month or two ago and look at all the found money for just the past few months. 

So, you know if you read this blog, that when I am stressed about money or things out of my control, my Heavenly Father sends me a penny or a coin to remind me that everything is going to be "OK" and to trust in Him.

I have lots of posts on how I find pennies and other coins in stressful times but this week it was wonderful. I had a rebate check for $10 and deposited it in the drive through at the bank. I asked them to give me the balance in my checking as I need to juggle some payments to cover everything. 

As I am stressing, I get the little tube container back from the teller at the drive through and the reciept is so far in that I have to turn it upside down to get it out and when I do, a penny falls into my lap. 

I started laughing. He is so good to me. I took that as a sign from Him that I need to stop stressing about finances. He has always taken care of them before and has continually blessed me in so many ways with the things I need and want. The fact that it came out of the bank container and landed into my lap was just another sign that I don't need to go out of my way, what I need "falls into my lap" as I need it. 

In all of my almost 50 years of life, I have never had that happen where there was any coin in the bank tube. It was just as I was stressing about funds and feeling like things are getting a bit "tight." 

Some other blessings this week. Princess Four has been my "foot and back rubbing" Princess for the past few years. Princess Five doesn't like to do it anymore for some reason so I have REALLY missed having Princess Four around as I love touch. Last week, I asked Princess Five if she wanted to give me a pedicure and paint my toenails. It wasn't on her "want to do" list so I needed to find some time to give myself one and shortly after that, I am at a store and a girl I don't know came up and gave me a flyer telling me that the local community college was having a free "Customer appreciation spa day" and you could go and get any one treatment for free. I went in and got a pedicure for free and thought I would divert from my usual more subdued french tip and get a bright color. In honor of Halloween, I got my toenail painted orange. 

My favorite part of the entire thing was the foot and leg massage! I was in heaven. So, HE knows that I was missing touch from my girls and HE provided someone to give me a foot rub and pedicure for free! 
I have been looking for inexpensive gifts for Christmas as well and a friend who owns a Video rental store gave me a deal on all these movies. She even delivered most of them to my house today after she ran them through the buffing machine. (I guess the girls will know what they are getting if they read this.) 

Then tonight, my neighbor asked for some help as they couldn't get their new printer to print so they asked me to come and help them. I didn't have to do much but they were getting rid of their old one as they wanted one that could just print black only as this one wouldn't print unless you had a working color cartridge in it. So, they purchased one that had that option. They gave me their old printer that worked. I have a few girls now at school that don't have printers so I figured it could be useful to one of the three that don't have one. 

I also got to visit Princess Four at school the other day and take her a shelf and a new dvd player as their power surged and ruined their other. I found it at a second hand store for cheap and it also does VHS which is great as no one will steal them and I have most of my VHS's upgraded to dvd now and so she has a good library and the shelf was one I purchased for Princess Three but she had built in shelves in her new college apartment so it was needing a home. Her roommates LOVED getting a new movie library, player and shelf. I loved getting them all out of my house! 

Other than the health stuff going on, it has been a good week. Oh, and while I was at church "Family Day" with Princess Four last Sunday, we were walking down the hallway and I found a quarter in the church hall. She looked at me and said, "Of course you did!" and that was all she said as we walked back to the meeting. 

I have talked with all my girls this week for a good length of time as well and all of them are doing well and happy which makes me happy! I am TRULY BLESSED and I do Trust in Him! I won't ever forget my banking drive-through penny.

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