
Monday, September 29, 2014

Shaving Cream - Be Nice and Clean

Princess Five went to two birthday parties this weekend. One of the parties was going to be at the park. 

Princess reminded me all week that I needed to buy her a can of shaving cream for the party. I had a rough week not feeling very well so she had to remind me again. I ran to the dollar store and bought her a large can and helped her get her gift ready and dropped her off. 

She went to the party in her "junky" clothes and I wasn't sure what she was going to do but it was raining so I was expecting a call not long after asking me to come pick her up. 

Hours went past and I didn't get a call. I wish now that I had gone over to the park in the rain and taken my camera. 

When she texted me to come get her, it was raining and when I arrived, everyone was covered in paint and shaving cream along with other "dirt" looking powder mixed with rain. 

However, they ALL were smiling. They had cleaned up the tarp and I missed that entire adventure as it was gone when I went to pick her up. The Twister mat was still on the grass but was "clean."

I got out of the car with my camera under my jacket so I could take some pictures of them all smiling. 

It wasn't until later when someone posted the picture of her sliding on the huge tarp in shaving cream along with 20 other pictures of them all sliding in the rain and shaving cream that I understood what they were doing. 

They all brought cans of shaving cream and had a HUGE tarp. They all sprayed shaving cream on each other and the tarp and then used it as a "slip and slide" at the park. 

They all had huge smiles. Then, they poured paint onto the round circles on the "Twister" tarp and played "Paint Twister" on the grass. 

Remember it was raining all day so they had a slick, wet, painted Twister mat and had a blast smearing the paint on each other.

Then, another group had planned a "colored chalk" throw / fight and so they joined in with that and once again, it was all in the rain. 
When the rain would get really heavy, they would all run around washing off the shaving cream and paint as they did the presents and cake. 

I thought the entire thing was brilliant as it wouldn't matter if there was rain or shine with sun, each event would have been fun if it were dry or wet. It was the perfect birthday party for rain though. I don't think they could have planned it much better as they planned on getting dirty and messy from the get go. 
I am trying to think how we can incorporate this into a family reunion. It would be so much fun to have a HUGE shaving cream fight and twister mess. You could even put shaving cream on the twister colors. That in itself could be fun.  

I did have to put garbage bags down in the car as she was quite dirty and she ended up getting shaving cream on the roof inside the car and on my sun glasses hanging off the visor. You can also see water dripping inside the car as she was quite wet from running in the rain. 
If there were any question that she had fun, you only need to look at her smile in the top picture for the answer. My guess is she will be planning her own party soon. :-) 

I wonder if you can buy colored shaving cream? I'll have to look that one up and let you know. Well, I looked it up and got side tracked watching 2 hours of Britain's Got Talent auditions. lol After all that, "no", I couldn't find anywhere to buy colored shaving cream. Only people mixing it themselves with food coloring or paint. There were some great art projects with mixing the two on pinterest.
There is a great invention idea. Colored shaving cream. Someone take that one to the bank! It could be used for all sorts of messy things. Silly string is fun but sometimes you just like getting into it with textures with your kids. 

Well, I thought I would share that fun birthday idea as all the kids had so much fun at the party and I know we will be doing something similar in the future. 

There aren't many parties that you can plan outside that will work if it rains but now you can plan and not worry about the weather! Wouldn't it be fun to have a shaving cream fight in a bounce house! Could be fun! 
Happy Birthday to Princess Fives friends! She had a great weekend! 

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