
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Happy Birthday Princess Five - Another Driver on the Road

Princess Five is now officially old enough to get a driving permit! She was asking me for weeks before her birthday to pick up the driving booklet so she could study and now, she actually has the booklet and has been reading it. 

She informed me today that she wants to learn how to drive in a stick shift car! What kid says that? The other girls actually cried when I made them learn how to drive one. 

Perhaps, I should make Princess four drive that car for some time as only one of the other girls doesn't mind driving a standard car and she is the one that I made drive it all the time just after getting her license. 

In our home, we do a little song when we give birthday presents and it goes like this, "Heavy heavy hangs over thy poor head, what do you wish ___ with a bump on the head!" We fill in the blank with the name of the person giving the gift and the person getting the gift has to make a wish to the one giving the wish. 

We were watching family videos a year or so ago and one of the girls wished her sister "a year supply of bubble gum." when she was young.

So, this week when Princess Four was giving Princess Five a gift, Princess Four wished her "a year supply of bubble gum!" and Princess Four raised her arm in thrill of the wish and said, "YESSSS!" It was so funny I got pictures of it. 

It is so interesting to me to see how differently the older children's home life was than the younger girls. We used to always have birthday parties each year for each girl and we used to always have cake and do the spanking machine. With Princess Four and Five being home alone, we don't do much of anything like that. It is more of a "Which friends do you want to hang with today?" and "What meal do you want for your birthday and what type of ice cream?" 

I can probably count on one hand the amount of parties Princess Five has had in her life. It has just been really different for her growing up. 

We do different things and have different jokes and it amazes me how much one family can change in 15 years. Divorce really does make a different life for a child. Being the youngest probably helps as well but she never remembers having a dad in the home. That can be a good or a bad depending on the father but it is just different for them and our lives are wonderful but just very different from the older girls. 

She loved getting her bags of treats and was THRILLED with the movie "Frozen" by Disney as you can see by the smile on her beautiful face. 

I thought this puzzle was interesting. You take a picture of something and it has 300 pieces that you change around to make the puzzle look like the thing you took the picture of. So, you can make a puzzle look like your family or pet etc. 

I had never seen one before so I figured it could be a good gift. 

She got new hair elastics and headbands with grippers on them that she was excited about as well as some new Ugg boots, fashion boots and some clothes and games along with a few dvd's and we went "back to school" shopping today and got her the other few items she needed as we got the essentials a few weeks ago. 

We should be good to go for next year and I am happy to have it off the list early! 

Happy Birthday Princess!!! I am proud of the young woman you have become and are, and look forward to seeing where you will go this year and in the years to come!

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