
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Free Cell - Headache Helper

This week has been a VERY hard week for the human barometer. I had one headache last week and four continuous days of headache this week. 
We have had LOTS of BIG storms going on and my poor head and teeth have had a hard time keeping up with the pressure changes. Several times over the past two days, I have  gotten very dizzy with the quick changing weather. Today, I actually had to hold onto something in fear of falling down. I don't ever remember getting this light headed and dizzy in one day. Usually, there may be one or two moments during a storm but it has been over and over for two days. The pressure gets really intense and I get nauseous as well.

I have taken a hand full of pills and had about 2 liters of Coke today. Same for yesterday. When I am feeling so horrible, it is hard to get much done.  Here is a link to a post about my headaches and why I have them. Click here for that post. 

Yesterday, I surprised myself by getting quite a bit done but it was rough today. Princess Five was helping with some chores today and I kept telling her I was going to go sit down and work on my checkbook while watching a show as I wasn't feeling well. I never did get to my check book or the show.

I kept pushing through it and doing laundry, cooking, packing Princess Four for college, etc, etc, etc.  

I did sit down a few times while waiting for the pills to take just enough of an edge off that I could function without losing my cookies. During those worst times of the headaches, I have found that if I engage in something that really challenges my mind, it lets me forget about the pain for a minute or two. 

I have noticed though, that when I play with a headache, my winning percentage goes down significantly. I usually hover around 90% give or take. When I have a headache, it goes down into the seventies on a regular basis. 
This isn't a good sign though as that means when I am driving or doing other activities when I have a headache, I am not able to think as clearly as I probably should. Today, I also noticed as the pain killers started taking effect, I won more. I was playing a game when my headache was bad and didn't get to sit long enough for it to get better but I remembered putting it down frustrated that I was losing and when I came back and the pills had taken effect, I clearly saw a way to complete the game. 

Sometimes, just walking away for a minute can help clear the head. 

I shared in the past that I used to play hand held Yahtzee. Here is a link to that post.I mention in that post about being grateful for new starts. I like the hand held "Free Cell" by Radica because it gives me the percentage of times I win. The app I have on my Droid doesn't do that but I do like that it will auto finish and has an "Undo" button. I don't often need hints as I am fairly good at seeing where things need to go and like figuring it out but sometimes I accidentally push a button twice and take up the wrong thing and I can't undo it on the hand held game which ruins the percentage also but I still like that one better than the app. 

Anyway, if you have a headache or other pain, try focusing your mind on something that takes a lot of concentration and see if it helps. It works for me most of the time. That is why I switched from Yatzee as it was more a game of chance where "free Cell" I have to think it through several moves ahead. 

Here is to hoping the rain can come without all the clashing and banging there has been all this week. We are VERY grateful for the rain so I am trying to continually give gratitude even with the headaches as we need the moisture! 

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