
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

In God We Trust - Even While Gardening

I don't remember where I was the other day when I saw this picture framed. I LOVED that we have a stamp somewhere that reminds us that we should "Trust in God." 
I took a picture with my phone and all of these pictures in this post were taken with my phone so the quality is a bit lacking but you will get the idea anyway as if you read this blog much, you will know where the post is going already. 
The other day, I was working on edging the lawn. For some reason, I don't have much luck with edgers. I realized that most people don't have much luck with edgers. 
I was feeling frustrated with mine as I have to stop every two feet and release more line, it takes me about five hours to edge the entire yard. 
This isn't ideal but if I have something going on and want a nicely edged yard, that is what it takes. 

I have tried many types over the years and electric vs gas, it doesn't make much difference. The gas one leaked all the time and eventually the thing broke down. 

The electric one works but it has some type of auto feed that has never worked and the bottom snaps on verses screw on and I have had to replace the snap part already and have only had it one season. 

Anyway, I was edging for Princess Four's graduation weekend as Princess Three brought her boyfriend home for the first time and Princess One and crew were coming as well as my dad and his wife. 
I started edging and what did I find to my surprise???  Coin, after coin, after coin.... It was like Christmas while edging. I just kept finding coins in the edge of the grass. I found five larger coins in all. 

My guess is someone pulled out their keys and some coins came in the process and all rolled to different places on both sides of the walk. 

It was great fun to find them as I worked. I was lazy and didn't want to go into the house while working to get the camera so I took them on my cell and that is why the pictures are smaller. 

However, you can clearly see the coins in the grass and sidewalk edge. I took this last one of the coins once I brought them inside. They do look a bit worse for the wear being outside in the grass all winter.

It doesn't matter how bad they look or the wear on them as I am always grateful for them as they are a constant reminder for me to continually trust in God. Just  like this picture of the postage stamp suggests, I think I will take them up on it and try to remember to always TRUST in GOD!

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