
Friday, June 20, 2014

Great Shower, Reunion, Group or Family Game

Tonight, I went to a ladies night at my church. They had a meal and some great ideas about family reunions. They played a game at the end of the night called the "Candy Bar Game." 

I've played a game like this before for a baby shower. All the candy bars had a related title but tonight, they had pages and pages of questions and treats to give to the "winner" of the question. 

I thought it was interesting that when they would ask the question, the woman leading the game would ask several people more details about their situation to find a winner and I learned quite a bit about women in my church congregation tonight. 

Some of the questions needed a bit of modifying as some of them didn't give specific details or more than one person had a similar situation so know that you can modify the answers to fit your group. 

Each person could only win one treat so that the more outgoing in the group don't end up with all the treats and the more reserved don't end up with anything.

There were a few ladies that would have ended up with a handful of treats but as soon as they all had their winnings, it was fun to see how the more quiet women would speak up or that someone that knew them would suggest that they get a specific treat for something and then they would open up and share. I didn't know that the woman that lives just across from me on my street lived without electricity or running water for three years while her husband would check the railroad line in remote areas.

They decorated the tables with old family heirlooms and she pointed to a gas powered iron and said she used to use one like that when she lived there. I am thinking to myself, "What would you need to iron for if you were that far in the middle of nowhere?" but they used to iron everything back then so it was interesting to learn and I had actually never seen a gas powered iron before so that was interesting. 

I think this game would be great for a family reunion, group party, church party, baby or wedding shower as well. 

Here is the list of the candy bars or treat that goes with the question. 

Candy bar Game

Who had the largest baby? Chunky
Who has the most years between their first and last child? Now & Later
Who had the smallest baby? Runts
Who is the most musically talented?
(Or has degree in music/excels in an instrument) Symphony
Whose husband has never had to iron his own shirt? Bit O’ Honey
Who has lived the farthest away from their family since marriage? Milky Way
Who has forgotten a birthday or anniversary? Air Head
Who dated someone who wouldn’t do anything or go anywhere? Milk Dud
Whose husband looks just like he did when you were just married? Hot Tamale
Whose spouse is from Idaho? Idaho spud
Who has a son that has the same name as his father? (JR.) Junior Mints
Some of us have lived in some pretty scummy places,
in scary part of town – who lived in the dumpiest? 5th Avenue
Who got married at the youngest age? Baby Ruth
Who has the most children? Sugar Babies
Who has the most schooling? Smarties
Who has had the most variety of jobs? Pay Day
Who is married to a guy that goes around the house flexing his
muscles, looking in the mirror, and thinks he’s a real joke? Big Hunk
Single women: Who has had the most recent date?
Who has the most male friends on Facebook?
Who has photo on them of male significant other? Big Hunk
Who had the longest engagement? Rocky Road
Who kissed their husband on the first date? Skor
Most of us had one guy on the string at a time, who had 3 or 4? Whatchamacallit
After marriage, who still receives flowers 2 or 3 times a year? Sweettarts
Who got pregnant the first night, first week, or first month of marriage? Rolo
Who dated someone who drove an expensive car, wore expensive
Clothes and took you to the fanciest places in town? 100,000 grand
Who is a twin? Has twins in the family? Birthed twins? Twix
Who has a family of all girls? (sisters/daughters) Chiclets
Who has three sons? 3 Musketeers
Who has gotten into a car accident, was really upset and afraid
to tell your husband. When you finally got the nerve to tell him
he was calm and concerned? Car-mello
Who has been electrified or run into an electric fence? Shock Tarts
Whose name stars with a K (or who is a cat lover?)
Who has the most pets? Kit Kat
Who has a cute, distinctive or funny laugh? Snickers
Who has traveled the most? Orbit
Who has the most kids under 5? Skittles
Who has glasses now that didn’t have them when they were married? Look
Who has a white personality? (Peacemaker) Dove
Who has moved the most? Icebreaker
Who loves to scrapbook? Mentos
Who is from a family of 6 kids or has 6 kids? Sixlets
Who has a fumy joke to tell? Nut Roll
Who saw a falling star or meteor last summer? Starburst
Who has been on a cruise? Lifesavers
Who has most recently been to Catholic mass or been a Catholic? Necco wafers
Who has lost the most valuable item? Butterfingers
Who has been in a car accident in the last week? Month? Year? Crunch
When they were little, who wanted to be an astronaut? Orbit
In any order, who has two M’s in their name? M&M
Who is married to a computer guy? Nerds
Who gets kissed by their husband every morning? Kissables
Who has the smallest bra size? Mounds
Who believes they were born to shop? Spree
Who had most recent shopping trip just for fun? Spree
Who just loves to eat? Munch
Who has visited New York most recently? York
Whose idea of a great vacation involves camping? S’mores

Some of these candy bars may be hard to find. The woman over the game went to a grocery store, a hardware store and then the gas stations. She said the gas stations had a better selection than Walmart which is probably true. 

I was the winner of the "Cute, distinctive or funny laugh"  which was fine with me as Snickers is one of (if not my) favorite candy bar so I was fine winning that one. They did add a few of their own questions and had one about who has won a big prize. They gave out a $100,000 bar for that prize. 

You would think I would have won that but I am kinda quiet when it comes to those type of games. I didn't say anything and towards the end, got the Snickers as I guess no one wanted to claim they had a distinct laugh so my friend pointed at me.

You can see once you get creative how you could alter the questions for a group. They didn't do all of these questions and she left out several she didn't feel comfortable asking but I included them all here so you can cater it to your party and group. 

Have fun!  

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