
Monday, June 2, 2014

Grand-Princess Photo Shoot Part 1

Princess One came down for Princess Four's graduation. We were excited to see her and her Prince but not half as excited as we were to see her beautiful Princess! 

I think I am going to LOVE being a grandma. The girls have already decided what they are going to have their kids call me. I laugh as I never chose what I would have my kids call my parents, it just was what it was. Grandma and grandpa "last name here." 

However, being divorced, they thought that I wouldn't want to be called by the last name as they will all get married in time and I will then go back to my maiden name so they chose a catchy title for me using my first name.

I wasn't sure how I would like it but now it has become the joke of the house so of course I will keep the name.

When at the graduation, we took pictures of grand princess with everyone and she was quite done by the time we arrived home. 

After a nap however, she was playing on her mom and we got a few cute smiles out of her. The pictures above both have her smiling and show the cute dimple she has just on the left side of her face.
Neither parent has a dimple so it is really cute when she smiles and we get to enjoy it. If you blow up the second photo you can see it better. 

She was quite happy but the next day, Princess One asked me to take some pictures and have a "photo shoot" with the baby and I had lots going on and it took all day to get it done. 
She brought three outfits she wanted her photo taken in. One was the dress and afghan she crocheted while she was pregnant. Here is a link about that.  

So, we got her dressed into the dress she crocheted and put her on the blanket she also made from similar colors and we took a few pictures. 

I had to leave and she got grouchy and tired so I left to do what I needed to do while she was fed and had a nap. Here she is just waking up and you can see binky marks on her cheeks.

She wasn't happy we were waking her up until we got enough pictures and she got a diaper change and you can see how happy she was to have her clothes off! 

She was all smiles when the clothes were off! They left her this way to cheer her up before the next photo shoot. I am going to put that on for another days post as it is late and I am tired. 

I got a cute picture of us together at graduation that I will end with. 

I don't like being in many photos right now as I am trying to figure out my thyroid problems but it upsets the girls that I am not in most of the pictures and so I am trying to be better at being in some.

Grand Princess can make any picture adorable!

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