
Monday, June 30, 2014

1111 Posts - Happy Four Years and Counting

I am taking a holiday. Today, by posting this post, I have 1,111 posts on my blog. I have more than than in my line up as I have many drafts that haven't come to being finished and posted but actual posts that have been posted, today is the day. 

I had a very long week at camp and got some type of sore throat that woke me every hour at night and I was so swollen from the hot sun and junk food as I can't eat most of the food they served as it had some gluten product in it. I was up to use the bathroom many times as well as the sore throat. 

I am using the day for a sick day as well as a holiday. I can't believe I have been writing this blog for over four years. I would never have guessed I would have kept it going so long. 

I find it interesting that once or twice, I have started writing a post I already posted about but had forgotten. What happens more often, is that I think I have posted about something and then never actually post because I can't remember if I "thought" about posting about it or actually did post about it. The other problem I have is that I will sometimes take pictures to post about something but then get busy and then I take the pictures off the camera and forget that I never blogged about the event. 

Looking through my drafts on here, I have several from a long time ago I may just post. It is weird how quickly time goes and I move on to the next thing forgetting that I never blogged about some events. 

Anyway, I haven't slept well all week with camp and will post about it later as I am suffering from "Sititus" at the moment. Here is the original post about that.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

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