
Friday, May 16, 2014

Princess Three Moved for the Summer - In God We Trust

While we were in town for Princess Threes graduation, she had to move out of her free housing since graduating, she no longer is an ambassador. She found housing for the summer for $100 a month which is a great price and she had friends who would be staying as well so she knew her new roommates. 

She started packing and washing everything as she will have to pay for the washing machines at the new place and after graduation ceremonies, we moved her. It was so hot in her room, not quite as hot as when she moved in. Here is a link to that post.

For some reason, she didn't have many totes and I took three that day. I guess over the years there she has brought them home. 

We packed them up and hauled them out to both our cars and it took two full trips to get most of it and she borrowed a larger vehicle to move the desk and bookshelf. 

I saved the fan for last hoping to keep cool. I don't know how she managed staying up there with it so hot. There is one vent with air condition in the room but with 6 rooms and 3 baths with large living areas, it just didn't work. I think hers was last on the line and was so hot. If Princess Four ends up living there, I think she will have to take a main floor room as hauling it up and down the stairs in the heat is more than I want to do again.

We had to clean certain things on the "list" that she was responsible for and so it took us all afternoon to get it done. 

It was almost six when we pulled up to the new place with the last of the stuff.

They had scoped which apartment they wanted in the three story building as they wanted one that they could put things through the window at ground level. 

I LOVED that idea and it was really fast unloading both cars. 

When we were leaving her old apartment for the new one for the first time, I remembered the dime we found while pulling out when we moved her in (see the post linked above) and I gave thanks for that as it was a great reminder that God loves us and He reminds me often. So, you will understand my surprise minutes later as we are unloading her stuff into the new apartment and I look down and see a penny just to Princess Fours left in the picture. I laughed as I think we must have kicked it up out of the "flower beds" as it was really dirty on the top side.

You can see it in the picture to the right on the ground while Princess Three is showing out the window and I took a closer one just because I was so surprised. 

Princess Three didn't want to come out and move her car so I moved it backing it into the spot next to the window to unload. I am unloading and go to the passengers side of the car and there is a shiny penny. I had to go get my camera out again to take another picture as I couldn't believe it. 

I give thanks for the pennies and we finish unloading. We were going to stay and help her unpack but Princess Four got a call and was invited to a movie and game night on a date so we hurried back to the last place to move the two big things downstairs and she said her friends could help her load and unload them if we would just get them down the stairs. 

I pull into her old apartment. Most people have moved out by that time. I get a spot near the sidewalk rather than far out in the parking lot. I get out and look down and there is a dime. I took a picture with my phone that doesn't take the greatest of pictures but at the moment, I am going to be lazy and not take the mini card out of my phone and transfer the picture onto this post. 

I just wanted to share that it happened and I did take a picture of the three when I arrived home. Oh, and I just remembered that Princess Four found a penny in the road as we walked into graduation but she has that one and we were in a hurry to get seats so no picture of that one but the entire day was littered with coin reminders from my Heavenly Father that He cares and that things are "ok" and He always does give me a sign on those crazy but life marking days. 

I felt sad that we left Princess Three in such a mess but her roommate was there and she wanted to take some time to pack things as she needed to sort them into three groups. One, that she is keeping for the summer. Two, that she will need in the fall but want at college next year, and three, is the stuff that she wants to keep but doesn't want or need at college so it will be stored in the garage.

If we stayed, it may have been a bit crazy and she may have felt pressured in her sorting so it was probably good that we were able to leave and make the longer drive back to our home where Princess Four could shower and get on her date. 

Princess Three is coming home for a long weekend and will bring the stuff home with her then. It will be nice to see her and I will be happy that she will have things organized so I won't have to shuffle them around in another month or two. 

In three months, Princess Four will be headed to that town for college and will be keeping the desk and bookshelf that Princess Three used for the past two years. Instead of spending the gas money on taking up the suburban, we are going to leave them there for Princess Four and buy a new bookshelf for Princess Three in the city where she will be attending college. It is a LONG drive and I think two smaller cars will be cheaper as she has to keep one there.

We are still trying to figure out the car thing as Princess Five will be getting her permit soon and last month, Princess four used over $90 in gas for the suburban she is driving and insurance on top of that. $140 a month to drive makes it hard for me to have her drive.

I am sure we will figure it all out but for now, Princess Three is moved in and LOVING being roommates with one of her best friends. 

You can see here that they are already having fun. She posted this on facebook the day after she moved into her new place. 
By the looks on their faces, you would think they are having fun! 

She is working at the same place this summer that she did last year and figures she will make more than she is paying in rent and summer jobs are really hard to get in a small town over the summer so we are grateful she has one. 

I will miss having her close enough to go for lunch sometimes but I know she will love learning at a new place just as both her older sisters have.

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