
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Princess Five Live on Stage

Princess Five was asked by the drama teacher to take her advanced Drama class this past semester so that she could have a part in a play about the Vietnam War. This past week, they had their performances. I went to her performance and thought she did well. 

It was a hard subject and a difficult play as it was about Vietnam but it was interesting to hear what the young actors learned by being in the play. Each night, they had a "talk back" after the play and the kids shared stories about their lives. 
Some of them had family members that fought in the war and some of their stories were in the play. The play was written by two of the teachers at the school using stories of people they knew. 

Princess did a wonderful job and I was happy that she had the experience to be in the play so she could learn about that part of our history. I think often times the subject gets avoided because there was so much controversy about that war that people avoid talking about it.   

They are thinking about making a movie about the play and some producers attended the play so we will see how that goes. 

I loved the way they portrayed the wall and that the names showed up the entire time and that it looked like you were really visiting the memorial wall. 

During the play, they have people who have died behind the wall that you can see through the wall who passed away during the war. It is really a clever idea and was a great way to tell the story. 

During the play, Princess Five tried out for the Summer Play and found out she got the lead. She will be "Lucy" in "Charlie Brown" this summer. She LOVES being on stage and is really enjoying participating in all the theater this year. 

Princess Four will be helping choreograph "Charlie Brown" and will play a small role in the play as well. Usually they don't have graduates in the play but since she is willing to help out, they are allowing her to participate. Both girls are looking forward to performing. I'll be snapping photos along the way to share.... 

A weird thing happened. I wrote this post for today last night and woke with a horrible headache. Princess Five came home from school and said she would rub my feet if we put on a movie. I told her to pick one and she told me that she knew I didn't like the one's she picked. I had a few movies in my room from months ago as I haven't watched a movie in there for at least six months to a year. I picked up one of the few movies and put it in the player. It was called "The Green Dragon." I had no idea what it was about but with the headache so bad, I just put it in. It was about the refugee camps of the Vietnamese that were brought over when the US pulled out of Vietnam. I thought that was VERY weird. The movie was actually very good and informative and stared Patrick Swayze. 

Maybe Princess Five will end up as a missionary there or something but it was weird that she watched it with me as we don't often watch movies alone and never on a week day and even more rarely in my room and I wouldn't have picked a movie about Vietnam to watch with her if I had felt better as that is something I would watch alone knowing she probably wouldn't have enjoyed it especially since it has lots of subtitles.   

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