
Monday, May 5, 2014

Garage Door Gear Replacement - LiftMaster - Part 3

I read the instructions on making sure the garage door opens and closes appropriately. You need to pull the handle down and unlatch the gear from the chain. 
Once you have the chain released, you can plug the opener back in. I used my key-chain opener to open and close the garage door so I didn't have to get up and down off the ladder while adjusting it. 

When the opener is plugged in and the garage door release rope is pulled down, click the opener to run the door on a cycle without the door going up and down. 
When the door opener is through running through and up and down cycle, push the release latch back down if it doesn't automatically latch when it is through running its cycle. Then, once the door is latched again, run the door opener again through and up and down cycle.
My garage door was open about 4 inches in the closed position and when it was in the open position, the release gear was hitting the bolt near the garage door opener. 

To adjust the garage door up or down, there are two white plastic screws that you can see in the second picture.  Moving one makes the door go lower when it is down and the other makes the top stop sooner or further back. 

When I first opened the  door, the slide/lock gear pictured was hitting the screw shown near the opener but after a few twists of the screws, the door opened and  closed completely. I had the girls check from the outside and make sure there was no gaps between the pavement and the door. You can see on the cover, which one helps it go up or down. 
There are two screws on the back that adjust the pressure of how strong the door goes down and how much pressure it needs to bump back up. I tested that using a paint can just outside the sensor view and the door bumped back up on its own so it was at a good tension. 

There was a few extra parts that I kept and didn't replace in case they broke down in the future. I also wanted to show the broken gear. You can see clearly that it broke. I am glad that I learned to do something new. 

It isn't every day you get to learn how to do something new. Those days are fewer now but it is still nice to have one sometimes.

I am proud that I can face the hard things in my life and reach out to overcome those things that seem overwhelming. It may seem silly that a garage door being broken can be overwhelming but sometimes it is that type of thing that tips the scale to being stressed and overwhelmed. Facing those type of things one at a time tips the scales back to balance. It was a good feeling to get that done.

My friend Jay who actually put the door in shared that I should add to make sure you grease every tooth of the replacement gear using all the grease in the new kit. He has seen the new one only last a few weeks when not greased properly. Thanks Jay for all the help! 

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