
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fun Get To Know You Game - Family or Group Party

I can't remember where I heard of this game but I purchased a ball to use for girls camp that I could write questions on so the girls could toss it to each other and answer the question that was on top when they caught the ball. 

I had to plan a game for our family camp out for the older kids and thought it would be fun to do the same thing so I purchased a smaller ball and Princess Three said she would write the questions on the ball for me. 

She wrote questions all over her the ball and I thought she did such a great job, I thought I would type all the questions out that she wrote on the ball so that you could do a similar thing so you won't have to come up with them on your own. 

Tell us your most embarrassing moment.
What is your worst date/outing ever?
What do you want to be when you grow us
What is your dream car?
If you could marry any fictional character, who would it be and why?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite Pokeman?
What is your favorite subject? 
If you had unlimited funds for one day, what would you do? Which time era would you most like to live in? 
Hot vs Cold?
Which cartoon character are you most like? Why?
Tell us something no one else knows about?
Hamburger or Hot Dogs?
Tell us the name of your first crush/boyfriend/girlfriend?
What is your most memorable dream?
What three things do you never leave home without?
Sing your favorite Disney Song for us.
Give us some wise words of wisdom.
Dog vs Cat?
What is your favorite candy bar / candy?
What card/board game do you like best? 
Describe yourself in five words (Positively)
When are you happiest?
Tell us how you got a scrape or scar.
What is your favorite season?
Where would be your dream vacation?
Show us your secret talent.
Who would win, Superman or Hulk? Why?
What song best describes you?
What is the last book you read?
If you found a new planet, what would you choose to name it?
Lead us in a 30 second workout.
What would you name your pet rock?
What time era would you most like to live in?
What is your dream car?
Where do you want to or did you get married?
What time of day do you enjoy most? 
What makes you, YOU?

I hope you have as much fun playing this game as we did... Great for family reunions, girl scouts, boy scouts, cub scouts, achievement days, missionary, primary, parties, birthday, college get to know you game.  

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