
Monday, April 28, 2014

Sit and Spin for Teens - Fun for All

I broke my backside years ago snow boarding when the binding broke. Since then, I have a hard time sitting for long periods of time on a hard chair. 
Recently, I found this memory foam seat cushion that spins. I think it is meant for use in a car for the elderly to swivel their feet into the car. I however, have some hard dining room chairs so I purchased it for use at the dining table. 

Twice (that I saw)this past week while Princess Three was home on spring break, she took my cushion and started playing with it. I keep going through the family room and picking it up off the floor and putting it back on the hardwood chair where I eat. 

One time while she was playing on it, her sisters got into the act. They all commented on how "sit and spin" was one of their favorite childhood toys and they wished that someone would make a teen version as they would play with it. 

I couldn't believe how long they played on the cushion. They would take turns pushing each other and then trying out a new position to see how fast they could get themselves spinning etc.
Princess Three wanted to make some vines and send some on her snap chat as well so she took a few short videos and I took one of her whipping around with her hair flying. Here is that video. 

I love the picture of Princess Three in her blue shirt as her hair is whipping around in the video as well but it looks so funny having her hair almost reach the wood stove in this picture as her hair looks fake.

Here is a funny video of Princess Four laughing and spinning. She is a bit blurry as I used the little camera to video and started it before it was focused but it is still funny hearing her say "Whee" and then getting a leg cramp. 
I NEVER would have thought they would have so much fun with that but it was well worth the price just having it for a toy but I also enjoy using it while balancing my checkbook etc at the table. 

I think I should approach the "sit and spin" makers to make a larger version for teens. Perhaps they will see the videos on youtube and figure it out for themselves. I love that it is cushioned so they can be on it in all different positions and not just sitting.  For the next big holiday, forget getting the kids a present and buy them a seat cushion!

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