
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Grammie Guys - Annual Grand-son Party

I wrote yesterday about how my grandmother and my mother both do parties with their grand-kids. I wrote about the parties my mother has done for the girls. 

Today, I am posting about the parties that she has done for the grandsons. She finds a large place to host and then gets some parents to help as boys tend to be a bit more of a handful than the girls. 

Over the years, she has done some really fun parties for the boys. She has done one for super hero's as you can see in the picture above. I wish I had better pictures but since I don't have any boys, I had to use the one's I had from my sisters back up files that I have at my house. I don't have more than one or two but I know I have seen a few from other events but I spent hours looking through pictures and never found them. 

The one at the top was one where she had them all dress up like hero's of some kind and she went as "Wonder Woman." The two pictures below are from the same event where she gave them each a shirt with Velcro letters and had them each write something on their shirt with letters.  
These were the gift that she gave the boys for that event. She always tries to find a gift for each party. She tries to find things that will appeal to many ages. The shirts can be fun for any age so she did well getting something that worked for that. 

Another time, she paid a guy to bury a treasure in a treasure box on some family property a few miles out of the city and had him make a treasure map using items on the property as markers on the map and each dash was a a step and put an X next to items that would be easy for the boys to find. 

She instructed them all to bring a shovel for the event so they could help dig up the treasure chest. 

They took a picture with the "Pirate" and their shovels on the property with the treasure chest they dug up. 

I can't remember what was in the "treasure box" but my guess would be that it was a gift for each of the boys and some candy gold coins. 

Another time, she did a "Knight" centered party where she brought all the "knight" armor she had for her costume rental business and had them make foam swords or bows and arrows etc. She talked about what armor is and how you can have "knightly" attributes. 

I forgot that she also did one of these for the girls and talked about  "Joan of Arc" and had the girls watch a movie about her. The boys watched a movie about "knights" as well.  Since I didn't have many boy pictures, I included a few more from the girls parties that I had digital pictures of so that I would have more to fill this post. 

I know I will do this with my children's kids and hope to be able to make them as fun as my grandma did and my mother has. 

I ran into a woman a few years ago that told me that she takes her grandchildren on a trip every year without their parents. Of course, they would have to be at an age that would work but she said she did long weekends, Disney and other fun places. I think depending on income, you could tame it down to touring local spots or doing service at a local hospital cleaning out the fountains or painting the curbs etc. The events don't need to cost a lot but a little planning can make any event fun.

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