
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Don't You Forget About Us - Keeping her Promises

Princess Four ran for office with the slogan, "Don't you forget about me" (see that post here) and then, for the school year "theme" she used, "Don't you forget about us." (see that post here)

That theme was carefully thought up so that no person would be forgotten this year as the students went to support teams and in other activities.

Princess four has taken that theme to heart as she has served as Student Body President this year.

Many months ago, she promised a socially awkward girl that she would plan a blind date for her on her 16th birthday. Months went by and Princess four wasn't in a class with this girl any more but she never forgot that promise.

Princess approached the starting quarterback and most popular boy in school and asked him if he would be willing to be her "friends" first date. The boy was willing to do it and actually made a huge sacrifice to make it happen as the date was planned and then his family announced a weekend trip and he gave up the weekend trip with his family to take this girl out for her first date.

Princess Four planned the entire thing and was doubling on the date. She planned flowers and a movie and a treat after. They went early to pick up the flowers and she had a gift card for the theater that she won and was planning on using for the movie but the "Boys" picked that up as well as the flowers and Princess was grateful that they were such gentlemen on the date.

The girl had a wonderful time and Princess enjoyed doing that service for her and was so grateful for the boys kindness in making it a wonderful first date for the girl.

That experience was so great that Princess worked it out to have another double date with someone who has had some issues over the years. I have worked with this boy as a teachers helper through the years and he is such a kind and sweet boy. Princess worked it out and got some friends to double with them. They played games and had a fun time.

Flash forward again, and the winter girls choice dance is coming up. Princess has been planning for months to get a group of the more popular kids to take some of those students who probably wouldn't go otherwise and haven't had the chance to go on many, if any, dates while in high school.

She called a boy's mother and spoke to his brother to see if it would be possible to ask him on the date. The mother and the brother thought he probably would say "no" to the offer. She asked if I had any ideas on how she could ask him and I had just gotten some wooden paint pallets from a church activity which they didn't need and though she could do something cute with them.

We thought it would be cute to use them by writing one letter of her name on the back and a number on the front of each and giving him one for each class of the day having the teacher give it to him and the last one would have her last name on it. She wasn't sure if he would get the other without her last name.

She wrote on the first one, "You would add COLOR to my life if you would go to preference with me...." in cute colors and then used lots of different colored Sharpie marking pens to write on them all.(If you read this blog often, you will know that I LOVE Sharpies!)

We added bags of candy to each pallet as she wanted to use balloons but worried about them losing air or popping so the candy with curling ribbon worked just as well.

She went into each class in his schedule before school and asked the teacher for their help. They were all thrilled to help when they knew who she was asking.

She came home after school thinking he would say "Yes" because she said after third period that he told someone he thought it was her. I don't know if his mother or brother told him but she said she passed him after lunch and he smiled at her. That wasn't a normal occurrence.

She came home from school today and told me he said, "Yes" to going with her. I asked how he did it and she told me he drew her a picture. She said he is really into drawing "Pokeman" and he drew her one and wrote, "YES" on the back of it.

Later, she showed it to me and I asked her if it was OK with her if I posted about the cute idea on how she asked her date and how he answered, and if she thought it would be alright to share. She thought it would be fine.  

The best part of all this is that she is really having fun going on these dates and enjoys spending time with all types of people. She has worked hard all year to get to know new people that she doesn't know and has especially worked hard at remembering everyone's name this year.

I can't believe how fast this year has gone and that the dance team competitions and performances are almost all over and that graduation will be in a few more months.

I know she will have a wonderful time on her date and hope those going will as well. I know her friends are looking forward to the date and they are in planning mode to try and make it as enjoyable as possible for everyone going.

I am grateful for Princess Four and her ability to serve other and keep her promises. I am blessed with wonderful girls.

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