
Friday, March 7, 2014

A Penny For Your Thoughts - In God We Trust

I was in bed this morning feeling very tired of struggling to fund the activities the girls would like to do and be involved with. They are all good activities and have good outcomes but they cost a bit and now with another driver, insurance, a car for college in a few months, becoming a grandma, doing it all alone and stressing over time and money issues, I decided to have a little chat with God. 

Into my mind kept coming the song line, “A penny for your thoughts” from the Taylor Swift song, “If I die young.” It took me an hour or so before I got what He was trying to tell me. “My thoughts were stressful and I wasn’t trusting Him. When I find a Penny, it reminds me to trust Him.” He was telling me He is buying my negative thoughts by putting a Penny in my path and to use the penny in place of my thoughts. 

I need to Trust in Him in my thoughts. Then, I found two pennies today. I smiled and happily picked them up in a parking lot and in the checkout line at Walmart. I was reminded that even though I have stresses and worries, He is paying me for those thoughts with the pennies from heaven that He sends me almost daily.

The other day I was thinking I hadn’t found any pennies for several days and thought perhaps I wasn’t giving enough gratitude for those things which I do have so I concentrated on giving gratitude and found a few pennies that day and the next day, I found $0.37 throughout the day. He truly does bless me.

So, now when I find a penny, I will look at it like He purchased the negative thoughts and it will remind me to continually trust in Him. 

Has He purchased any of your thoughts lately?

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