
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Princess Five's Art Show - 3-D - Part 2

Princess Five's art is pretty cool. I couldn't help but frame it and put it in her new room. You can see that she did a great job with this three D art project. She just picked colors that she liked which funny enough, matched her new room. She did this quite a while ago so the fact that she hadn't decided to change rooms makes it awesome that she chose the colors she did. 

Basically, you trace the item you want in 3-D and draw straight lines until you get to the object outline. Then, you curve the line in an arch while you are in the traced item and then go back to straight lines when you reach the other side of the traced item. Outside item, straight lines, inside the item, curved lines. You just follow that pattern. If the object is at an angle, the curved line arches at the side rather than the middle of the item. 
This can be done with letters, favorite objects or anything else you want to draw.  

I figured I had to show that project, and some of her other projects, as I think she did such a great job on them. Her "Chunky Giraffe is quite cute and I like the way that she chose different types of items to draw in different styles. 

She made this wooden cup in shop and I had no idea she made it. I have never seen it before. I went into her room to take pictures of her calendar when I noticed she had all her pencils in it and asked her about it. 

She made it and did a great job!

The last picture is something that Princess Three did years ago. I love this and also framed and hung it in her room and that room now happens to be Princess Fives room so both pieces of framed art just happen to be that rooms colors and I think they are both quite talented. 

I have never hung a piece of my art in a frame. I have painted some tole painting items and had them in my home but I have never done anything on canvas or any other type of art for framing. 

Seeing all their art makes me want to take an art class. It seems like I only get creative that way when I have an assignment. My favorite class in college was creative writing. Perhaps someday I will finish writing a book I started. I may have to have someone give me a deadline so I can get it finished. 

Perhaps some day soon... We used to have regular art shows with the girls and when Princess was showing me all her art, I couldn't help have flash backs to when they were little giving me their latest "art show" and if you haven't read this blog for the past three years, you may have missed the post where I describe our "art shows" in detail. Here is a link to a post about our family "art shows."

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