
Monday, December 23, 2013

This May or May Not Be a True Story - Christmas Shoes Blues

I may, or have may not, have had a shoe incident when attending our church Christmas program. Sunday, the girls and I were scheduled to arrive at church early to warm up with the choir for the annual Christmas program. 

The night before, I carefully set my alarm for 8:45. The only problem with that was that we were supposed to be at the church at 8:30 to warm up. I set the alarm on my clock for 7:45 but not my regular alarm clock. 

I guess when I was tired last night, I set the regular alarm for an hour later than I should have. In my deep dreams, I heard my phone alarm but not quite enough to wake all the way. 

Princess Five came in and told me we had 1/2 hour to be at church to warm up with the choir. That was fine. I actually had plenty of time but I guess I wasn't quite awake when I put my shoes on. 

I saw the reflection of myself in the door as I approached the church and noticed I needed to pull my skirt down a bit but didn't notice anything else out of the ordinary. We were on time to warm up with the choir.

We were on the stand where the choir has raised seating so I couldn't put my feet out in front of me as they would hang down. We stood up and down most of the main meeting so I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. 

We had new members move in this week so after the meeting I rushed to welcome them into our congregation. I remember thinking back that one shoe was a bit looser than the other as I talked and walked with them but didn't notice anything else. 

The Sunday school meeting was next and I was kind of falling asleep sitting in the back row as there were many family members visiting so there wasn't much room to move. 

For the woman's meeting at the end, I sat in between two new members and introduced myself and then introduced them to each other. It was a bit cold as we were now on the front row. I put my jacket over my knees and enjoyed the meeting. I crossed my leg one direction for most of the meeting and at the end, my backside was feeling a bit sore so I swapped and crossed my other leg. That was when I noticed that the shoe I had on one foot WASN'T the same shoe I had on the other foot when it was crossed. 

When I put the second shoe on, it had been upside down so I flipped it with my foot and started putting on my jewelry while I put the second shoe on. 

I was asked to say the closing prayer on the meeting for the day and as I got up to pray, I told the women that I was going to give them a good laugh for my Christmas present to them. I told them I had on different shoes all day and that I hadn't noticed until a few minutes before. Not one person said anything all day. 

Princess Five came in after the meetings and I asked if she had noticed and she just shook her head and said, "Oh mom...." smiling as she said it.

Several people came up after and told me stories of wearing two shoes to a funeral, wearing a crock and a sandal to WalMart, and one woman told me she has done that same thing more than once. 

I told them I was just starting a new trend. Princess Three doesn't wear matched socks EVER for years and it is now the rage to wear mis-matched socks. I figure I am just a trend setter wearing two different shoes. 

At least they were both black sandals with the same size heel on them. I actually bought the one pair to replace the other as the one with bling on them got loose and my feet slip too far forward so I purchased the other to replace them. I should have just thrown the first away. 
Princess Four got a package of socks from a friend for Christmas that is just mis-matched socks! Crazy what people will buy. Princesses had a discussion about it today and some like it and others refuse to get on the "non-matching sock" wagon. 

Today reminded me of the Sunday when I went through the day at church and then on to other meetings and finally someone at the end of the day told me I lost an earring. I felt one ear and it had no earring in it and then I felt the other, and I had both earrings in the same hole. I couldn't believe that no one noticed only earrings in one ear or that I had two in one ear. Both these stories let me know that people don't really notice much about what others are wearing as they are more concerned about what others will think about what they are wearing. 

So, I can neither confirm, nor deny the facts of this story. However, if you ever run into any of the princesses, you could ask them the validity of it. I know I brought a good laugh and a few smiles to more than a few women today!

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