
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Frosty the Snowman Borrowed My Car - Car on the Run

We got snow today. Princess Two called telling me she got a foot of snow earlier today and she barely made it up the hill home after work. 

We hadn't any snow at that point but the "human Barometer" (See that post here) let me know yesterday that we were in for a storm as I had a headache all day. 

It started snowing and kept up and is still snowing late into the night and I went to pick up the girls from dance, college and a few other places and when I returned the first time, I parked the car, put it in park and took my foot off the brake and the car started sliding backwards. 

My driveway isn't that steep but this car is back heavy with rear wheel drive. However, I didn't think it was that slick that the car would slide or that the car is THAT heavy but just in case, I put on the emergency brake. 

I went out about an hour later to pick up another princess and guess where my car was? yes, it was on the sidewalk. It had slid all the way down the driveway and thank heavens it stopped before going into the street. 

I couldn't resist going in and getting the camera after starting the car to take a pictures as I thought it was so funny. It could have been scary on a busy street or if it hit someone sliding backwards but as it was, I thought it was funny. I know now that I can't park it on a hill. 

When I got back from picking up another princess and dropping them at the next event, I shoveled the walk and drive and salted it. I showed the same picture but one used a flash. I wanted to show how much snow had come down when I shoveled in the ten minutes it took to shovel. It hasn't let up but I hope the salt keeps the snow and ice down. 

I did pull the car in at a bit of an angle and cranked the wheels so that it would end up on the grass if it slid again. 

The other thing that happened is that I had a boy come to drop something off at the house and when he walked on the sidewalk up to the house, I told him to be careful as it was slick and still snowing. He said, "ok" and then when he left my door, he got half way down the sidewalk running and then went into a purposeful slide like you would on a slip and slide and when he hit the bottom of the sidewalk, he went flying onto the ground and slid on his side. I was about to run out when he jumped up. I asked if he was alright and he said, "Ya, that was awesome!" and jumped into his mom's car. I could hear her asking if he was "ok?"as he got in. 

I stood there stunned. If he is hurt or had gotten hurt, who pays the bill? What is it with little boys? I get that they need to touch everything and pull everything apart to see how it works but when you tell them not to do something, they tend to go right ahead and do it! I have a child or two like that but not in the same way that boys seem to. 

I didn't know this boys mother and can't call to find out how he is doing but as you can see from the marks in the snow, he wasn't walking before the fall. 

I secretly wish that I was in good enough shape that I could just fly and slide down a sidewalk, fall and just jump up and run off. I would have been needing help up hoping that no one saw and would have ended up in the tub soaking and then using ice or heat packs praying I could walk in the morning. 

Funny how years will do that to you. 

I hope in the morning, my car will be where I left it. Perhaps "Frosty" needed a ride somewhere and borrowed it~

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