
Friday, December 6, 2013

Candy Cane Stripped Fingernail Art - Painting Christmas Nails or Toenails

Princess Three came home last weekend for the holidays and spent a few hours with us before heading back to school. Princess Five asked her to paint her nails cute for the holiday. 

They went through some of their own ideas and then started looking for cute ideas online. 

They decided to do candy cane stripes as Princess Three was in a hurry, they modified it some.  

The first thing they did was to paint the finger they wanted stripes on with white nail polish. They took little strips of masking tape and cut them into different thicknesses.

Once the white paint was dry, they placed the strips of masking tape over white paint at different intervals and made sure that some of the strips were thicker and thinner. 

Once they were on the fingernail and they were dry, they painted all the nails with red paint. 

Once they paint has dried, they pulled off the masking tape. On the other fingernails, they painted a white stripe down the sides. I think they look great. 

Princess Three also did her nails this way last week using different colors on all the nails. Once they were dry, she used a stripe down the sides of each nail and they looked really good. 

I love that my girls enjoy being with each other and that they are creative and find great ways to spend time together. 

I used to have to do all their nails and now, they can do each others in creative and fun ways. I am SO blessed. 

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