
Friday, November 15, 2013

Deal of the Day - Gold Ring for A Dollar Fifty

I have shared in the past about how I sometimes get "grab bags" of jewelry for $20 to $40 dollars from a second hand store. The local store hasn't had any jewelry out since last time I posted about it actually as their jewelry person moved. 

Today, I stopped there after coming back into town and they had a bag of little girl jewelry with one or two cute pieces of costume jewelry in it. 

The price was marked $1.50. I picked it up and put it back several times and even at the register thought about putting it back. I then thought the few cute pieces would be worth more than a dollar fifty so I purchased the bag thinking I could donate back the bag with the items we didn't want in it. 

Because there are lots of pieces in the bag, and they tape it tight, it is hard to see what is in the bag. You kind of just have to take a shot as there is always stuff in the middle of the bag that you can't see before purchasing it. They won't allow you to dig through the bag prior to buying it as they don't want things falling out or people pulling things out of the bags. 

When I arrived home, I opened the bag and to my surprise and joy, there was a 14 karat opal and diamond ring in the center. It has a little piece of the gold filigree decorative side missing so I think the mom probably just let her child wear it as bling due to the missing piece rather than getting it fixed. 

The gold alone on the ring is probably worth more than $100. There are three small diamonds on the side. I know when selling a gold ring to pawn shops, unless the diamond is large and perfect, they only pay you for the gold and the jewels aren't worth much. 

My girlfriend sold her wedding ring from her first marriage to a pawn shop before gold went up and she got just over $100 and was happy to have it feeling that it was good to have the ring  gone. 

I will put the link to my reasons for buying gold and silver here.  

And, one of the links to the "grab bag" post here.
 I didn't show the cute costume jewelry I took out in the picture below because I didn't want the girls to see it. Some of the girls have been reading the blog and I don't want them knowing what I bought. 
I love how many times when I purchase a grab bag, it has new jewelry in it. I wonder if someone got the jewelry for a present and it just wasn't something they liked because I can't imagine you buying something and never wearing it if you liked it enough to purchase it. 

It was the Deal of the week and the Deal of the day today. Yahoo! 

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