
Friday, October 11, 2013

Photo Shoot M & M Style

I found some of these M & M shirts on clearance last year and was going to use them at Christmas for our Christmas Pj's but with Princess Three's Surgery at Thanksgiving, we didn't ever have all the family home together. 

It wasn't our year for Christmas with the Married kids so I thought it would be cute to do a photo shoot with them. I had to keep my eye out for enough colors and shirts and when I saw the "Surrounded by Nuts" shirt, I knew I had a winner. I bought two orange shirts before that as there are only so many colors of M & M shirts. 
I found the Brown shirt later on as well as that is a new marketing thing. It wasn't the same as all the other shirts and was a more recent purchase. It was actually fit for a girl and the other shirts were generic Tees. 

It was rather funny that none of the girls would be the green M & M. I can't believe that the "meaning" of the green M & M carried over for so many years. It had been rumored since I was in high school.
 Anyway, none of the girls wanted to be the "flirt" girl so it worked out that Princess Number 1 could wear it with her hubby. I think she looks adorable with her pregnant belling winking at her hubby. 

Each girl did the face (or tried to make) the look of the M & M on their shirt. We had such a laugh at Princess number three when she was making her faces. It was so funny. We had a great laugh. 

Poor Princess four had a hard time actually making the face of the blue M & M. We only took one picture each of Princess 1, 2, and 5 but then took about ten each of Three and Four. 

I put on Princess Five's glasses for the Brown M & M look. It was horrible to look through them. I kept walking sideways. I had no idea how blind she really is.
It was fun to have the variety for our family picture.

When the girls were young, we ended up doing theme pictures each year as well. 

We haven't done anything really fun in a few years. Here is a post about our last fun photo shoot. It has been many years.  
We have many others but I realized that I haven't posted any of them as they weren't digital. I thought I had some scanned but I guess even though some may be scanned, I haven't posted them. 

For now, this is what I have and I want to post the girls pictures as well over the next few day. 

I realized that my life hasn't been the craft and activity posts that I have done in the past but for now, I am doing what I can and what we are doing. I actually have several projects started or half done but with everything going on, they haven't gotten finished. 

Hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to do that. I actually felt a bit better and had some energy. 

Yahoo for that. 

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