
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"Transform" it into Light

I found this cute thing at a second hand store the other day. I knew immediately what it was and thought it was so creative and cute. 

My mother had some of the antique blue glass transformers from the old power lines when we were growing up. The antique power transformers aren't really good for much other than a paper weight or sitting on a shelf but I thought this was so cute. 

They took wire that you can buy at a craft store and bent it around the transformer and then wrapped it up in curly designs to make a handle to hang it off something. 

These could be hung off the fence, wire flower basket holders or anywhere a candle could hang. 

They just inserted a glass votive candle holder inside the transformer and put a candle into it. The wire can be bought at any craft store. I actually have some in the blue that would match the older antique blue glass transformers. 

I think it cost me $1 to buy it but I thought it was such a cute idea that I wanted to share it. Wouldn't those be cute hanging around the yard or lining the walk up to a wedding etc.

I have it hanging over my hammock in the back yard with my other candle holders that can be lit when I'm entertaining in the back yard or just enjoying a night swinging on the hammock. 

Some people are so creative. I just took enough pictures to show you how they did it so if you have any of those transformers hanging around, you can use them for candle holders as well. Two days in a row of "enlightening" posts.

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