
Friday, September 13, 2013

Princess Five is Queen of the Stage

The local community is doing "Grease" at the city park. It is outdoor and it has rained every day for a month. I had the stomach flu last week and Strep this week and haven't felt well enough to do much of anything. 

My sweet sister brought me dinner last night and enough for Princess Five as she and I are the only one's home this week since Princess Four is being a Jr. Leader at a Rotary camp this week. 

I felt sad that I wasn't there for opening night but with the rain and cold, and my not feeling well, I missed it. Princess Five was disappointed when she got home. I think she secretly hoped that I would attend. With the head cold/strep and a migraine because of the storm, it wasn't going to happen. 

Today, however, I still felt sick but my head wasn't as bad so I took over some doughnuts for the cast and took my camera for a few quick shots. Princess was backstage getting ready for her big entrance. She is in several scenes but her big dance scene was coming up. 

Since she was about to go on, I hung around. Well, her "about to go on" took about 20 minutes as they took a ten minute intermission. Then there was another scene before hers. I could barely breathe by the time she came on. It was cold and my nose, throat and chest hurt to breathe. I hadn't planned on staying but who could resist that smile? 

After that scene, she is in another but I couldn't take it and rushed to my car to find I lost my keys. 

Funny, now that I am in a warm house ready to go 
to bed but I am crawling around in the dark wet grass feeling around for my keys while the play is going on. I was very grateful when I found them a few minutes later and could enjoy the heater on the way home. 

She is so cute on stage and my friend told me during intermission that she was only one of a few that kept in character the entire play and they had discussed it after the performance the night before.

I could tell that princess liked that she had someone in the audience. It makes it more fun when you know someone you care about is watching. I think you perform better. 

I do hope I feel better for the last performance but I am worried about the weather. I may have to wear a mast over my face to breath. I never used to get sick but this past year has been a rough one.

Look at the fun smile on her face as she performs and dances. All the girls love to dance and sing. I can't wait to see her in the rest of the play. 

Princess Four should be home to see it as well which will be fun. She really wanted to be in the play but had already committed to being at this camp this week.

Princess Five - You are QUEEN of the Stage! 

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