
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bad Year for my Trees - No Fruit and Lots of Bugs

This year is a first for me. My apple trees didn't produce. In all the years I have been here, (about 18) they have always produced. Even when the other trees in the yard didn't produce. Even when my neighbor sprayed his tree with total vegetation killer, the back tree still produced on the front half and got better then next year.
The apples at the top of the post are the apples off one tree, the tree in the bottom picture has only a few apples on it and we haven't picked any off it. I got 20 apples this year off one tree and they are buggy. 

My dehydrator broke a few weeks ago while I was drying the plums off our tree. It is the only tree that had fruit this year.  

It was probably a good thing I didn't get apples as I have no way to dehydrate them. The last dehydrator didn't even last two years.   

I am sad though that we don't have any apples to enjoy for the next few months. We usually have a ton and we keep them in the fridge and enjoy them for a long time.
I hope we get more next year.

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