
Monday, August 19, 2013

What a Week - Don't you Forget About Us - Part 2

This week started with Princess Five's friend staying for four or five days while her parents picked up her brother from Basic Training out of state. She left, I get the house back to order and get a call that night from a friend who moved away a year ago saying her brother is in the hospital. She stayed for three nights and left the day we left to move Princess Three into her new apartment at school. We arrived home late and got calls early the next morning as it was my nieces wedding. We got up and drove to the city of the wedding, did the luncheon and hurried back to get the reception ready. 

While setting up the reception, I get a call from one of my best friends who was here from Iowa dropping her daughter off at school. I was trying to hurry so I could visit with them at dinner but by the time I got things done, they had finished and my sister needed me to go to the hardware store here and help her get some paint I purchased for her retinted. My friend met us there with her daughter and we visited while she was getting the paint tinted. They left, I dropped of Princess Four at a Back-to-School sleep over at a friends who never gets sleep overs and then rushed to the reception to help serve the food etc. I was the last one cleaning up at the reception at my sisters late that night and got a text from my friend saying she and her son would be at my house the next morning to stay the weekend. 

The saddest part of this crazy week was that at the reception, we got a text that my Aunt S had passed away that evening just before the reception. "Thank you" to all who said a prayer in her behalf. 

I was on the phone most of the day on Saturday with my cousins and Uncle working some things out and with house company, it was a bit crazy. 

My friend was sick today, I had her son and took him to church and we arrived home to do lunch, then we had an orientation this evening for Princess Five going into High School Seminary and two men from our church came over after that to give my Princesses some back to school blessings. 

Princess Four hasn't seen her best friend but once this summer with all her fun activities and tonight her friend came over to see the finished product of her amazing talent. Her best friend drew this cute logo for the shirts this year. If you remember, Princess's theme for running for Student Body President was, "Don't you forget about me." and she told them in her speech that she didn't want anyone to be left out and that this years theme was, "Don't you forget about US!" so she had her friend draw this cute logo for the spirit shirts for the year. Her friend hadn't seen them yet and so she came over and tried on the sweat shirt and I took a picture of the two of them and then one of the shirt. Here is a link to the post about her campaign.

Forgive me if the posts this week are a bit lame. The kids starts school soon, we have the funeral, I have about five birthdays in my family in the next two weeks and  most of the things are out of town for me. Princess Four is working on driving hours for her license and I think I have heat stroke from moving Princess Three and helping set up for the wedding etc. 

I sure hope next week is better. I am glad I have lots of friends and that they come visit me but I think I am ready for some down time after such a crazy summer. I hope to post about some of these events during the week in more detail but who knows how it will go with everything going on this week. I hope your end of summer is calm and that the start of the new school year is a pleasant one!

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