
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thailand Princess Four Coming Home - Part 3

Her two weeks in Thailand were over and she was in the airport coming home and they had these fun leg massagers. I think the fact that they advertise that they give you "Pain" is funny but I would pay to have my legs massaged at an airport so I think someone was smart to invent it. 

She took a picture in the Japan airport on the way back as she took a picture in the Singapore airport on the way there. 

The flights were VERY long and she was happy to get home. We had some great experiences heading to pick her up. 

When Princess Three came home from Africa (see that post here) she wanted a fruit smoothie slush. I thought that would be good for Princess Four as well but then she texted saying her flight was postponed so I thought better of it as it would probably be melted. 

We stopped at McDonalds on the way to the airport for dinner and Princesses ordered themselves fruit smoothies. They gave us smalls instead of the mediums the girls ordered. I told the workers they could just dump the smalls into the larger cups and add more but the manager said they would just make new ones. 

I asked what they were going to do with the smalls they made. She said they were going to throw them away. 

I told her we were on our way to pick up Princess Four from the airport and she had been in Thailand and asked if they would just let us take them so she could have it. She thought that was great and we talked for a few minutes about the girls having gone on missions in the past. 

We got to the airport and I laughed when I got the parking garage ticket. It had a 111 on it. OF COURSE. And, you will KNOW that one of us would have to find a penny as well. Princess Two pointed at one while we were waiting for Princess Four to come out so I had her hold it for a picture. 

We had a wonderful reunion and went to my sisters house to stay as we had plans for a family party the next day. 

Princess unpacked all her treasures and showed them to us and gave her sisters some FUN pants that you can see her wearing when she got off the plane. 

She bought them each a pair. She got them earrings and bracelets as well as a fun elephant key chain. She said she didn't think she did well shopping but she came home with some beautiful pieces of carved wood and great gifts all around.  I got a beautiful silver bracelet with elephants on it.

When she was unpacking at our house a few days later, she asked if she needed to keep the tags with the suitcase numbers on them if she got all her suitcases. I told her she could throw them away as they only need them if your luggage doesn't show up. 

She threw away her tags but said, "Something" told her to look at it after she put it in the trash. She pulled it out and brought it to me to show me. Her tags for her luggage.... Yes, you guessed it, 111. 

I wish I knew why those numbers were so important or why I see them all the time but I just take it as a sign from God that He loves us and is keeping an eye on us. It shows up as often as the coins!

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