
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pray For my Aunt - Hospital Visit

I have a wonderful Aunt that has been diagnosed with some major Cancers. She has been fighting it the best way she can but has had a few set backs. 

She was in a hospital for a few weeks so she could overcome some of the problems and while there, I visited her a few days in a row and was able to give her leg and foot massages, sing to her with Princess 2 and on my last visit, I was able to give her a pedicure.

I wish I was able to do more for her as she is suffering through this difficult time in her life. 

I would ask that you send a prayer her way if you are willing. 

She went home yesterday and had a fall. They have taken all the precautions with hand rails etc but she is still so weak from everything that she is having a hard time.

I will thank you in advance for your prayers in her behalf. 

I love you Aunt S. Get better soon! 

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