
Monday, August 5, 2013

Gods Grace for Posting Today

I was not in a place this past week where I could get online. I didn't take my computer either. I went camping with my siblings families to a place I had never been before and wonder why we haven't been there before. It was wonderful and I will post about it later but after coming home from camping and unloading the trailer and everything, I had to turn around and get Princess Four from her week camp and we had several car issues as Princess one's car lost a serpentine belt on the way home from camping in over 100 degree weather. She wasn't feeling so great anyway but we got it all taken care of and I was going to post something else but I am so tired so I got online after a week of no emails, journals etc and after getting all the emails done, typing a few sentences in my journal for each day, it is REALLY late and I am having a bit of "Sititus" going on.

I opened my blog and wouldn't you know... 1111 on the number page count. I thought that was a sign I was to post about it and go to bed. ;-) Don't you agree!

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