
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Freedom Isn't Free - Freedom Academy

Princess Three and Four have both had some wonderful opportunities to go to different camps and missions. One of Princess Three's favorite was a leadership camp for Student Body Presidents and Senior Class Presidents around the state. 

The local National Guard Unit (camp) puts on a week camp for the leaders. They get to do anything and everything  that would or could be fun. They get to shoot cannons, shoot AK-47 and other rifles. 
They got to do a free fall/repel and a high wall repel, they got to move high buckets up and down with them in it, they got to be in the cockpit of huge planes, helicopters, drive dirt moving tractors, try on "space suits."

They met the governor, got to go to one of the local news rooms and take a tour and meet a news caster, they did a very intense ropes course used to train the military, hold a bazooka, tour the capitol and tour the legislative rooms, have "boot camp" training, be in "family" groups, meet the leaders of every other school in the state, have inspirational speakers, go swimming and have a dance. 

I am sure I am forgetting some of the fun things she shared but at the end, they have a graduation and invite all the parents. 

They have a great motivational speaker and and awards ceremony and have the talent contest winners perform and the "speech" contest winner give their winning speech. 

You can see why Princess Three thought it was one of the best weeks in her teen years. Princess Four would probably agree but she hasn't stood still long enough to tell me much of anything. I got most of what I did from the ending video where they show pictures from the week and each day. They had flag ceremony each day and Princess really enjoyed the opportunity she had to participate in that. 

Here is my post about Princess Three going

She only got a paragraph about her camp but then again, she isn't a big picture taker either. In her entire life, I would guess she has taken less than 100 pictures. Perhaps if I got her a smart phone.... Or not. :-)

She actually tried to give her camera away this week. She says that she can just collect pictures of everything that others take off face book. The sad part about that is that the other people are focused on them and not her so she doesn't have as many cute photos of just her. Oh well, they are all so different and then just when I think I have them figured out, they go and change. Princess Two used to love taking pictures and asked for a camera at a young age, now she doesn't own one. 

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