
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School, Birthday and Blessings

I can't remember how much I have shared about Princess Three and what she is up to recently. She stayed at college this summer and ended up working three jobs. She made lots of money for this upcoming year but also, she was able to make a few close friends as she moved into a different place for summer housing. She LOVES her new friends and that is good since her best friend is gone for the next 18 months serving as a missionary. 
She contacted me many times this summer making sure I was able to come help her move into her new housing for Fall. I started collecting birthday items as her birthday is the first few weeks of school and I know it would be really hard for us all to get together for it so I made sure that Princess Four and Five could come the day we moved her into her new housing to celebrate it then. 

Because she has been asked to be the Vice-President for the ambassadors at the college, she was offered free housing at one of the nicest places in town. As you can see here, it is a nice community with great gardens and a club house etc. The housing is repainted each semester and is in great repair with all utilities included. So, she saved almost $2000 on housing and utilities by being an ambassador. Also,  the ambassadors used to get $600 over scholarship money as an incentive each semester. They gave them raises and she will be getting $1000 over scholarship money to do that work.

We moved her from her old place to the new one and it was SO hot since she was the first to move in, the air conditioning hadn't been turned on so we were moving her into a back, upstairs apartment that was HOT! 

I was so red and hot after moving her in that her birthday celebration wasn't the best. I had taken Icee pops in a cooler but they didn't do much to help as we were all extremely hot. She opened her gifts and was very happy with "The Hobbit" movie as she hadn't had the chance to see it yet having worked all summer in a small town. She also go a new dress and necklace along with a few other smaller items but I know those three items were her favorite. She got all moved in other than the kitchen and food items she was moving herself the next day. We then were headed out to get pizza and COLD drinks when I had the thought, "I didn't find any money today, I usually find something on big days like today." Just then, I looked where I was driving out of her parking lot and the sun was starting to set and there was a shiny item in the driveway, I laughed and laughed as I stopped the car right next to it, opened the door and picked up a dime. The girls just shook their heads as it always happens. 

I had to take a picture of the dime as a reminder to her when she reads this that God reminded us to "Trust in Him" continually. How can we not trust in Him? He gave her a scholarship, gave her a great job working for the finance department in two different positions, gave her the ambassador position, helped her get a leadership position which gave her a chance to move into the best place in town, Payments on top of that for doing the ambassador position and she is having so much fun at college. Really coming out of her comfort zone and enjoying friends. 

I'd say that Trusting "Him" has worked well for us in the past and I pray we continually trust in Him. He takes very good care of his daughters. I have everything I could ask for in my life as far as things go. He has blessed me with amazing family and daughters. I am blessed!

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