
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Western Swing 101 Taught By Princess Three

The other day, we went to a going away party for one of Princess Three's best friends. Actually, it is her best friend. She is leaving as a missionary for the next year an a half and so Princess Three came home for the party. 

It was a teary event several times when they hugged goodbye but in the middle of the party, I was visiting with a friends son and I look over and Princess Three is teaching Princess Five how to western swing. 

Princess Five has never had any direction in this type of dance because all of her dance experience has been on dance teams and never with a partner. 

Princess Three and Princess Two both went to Western Swing at College and both enjoy it. I have always enjoyed swing dancing and used to go quite often but it has been awhile since I have gone. 

Within a few minutes, Princess Five had it down and they were all over the floor. I wanted to take some pictures but worried if I took out the camera that the dancing Princesses would stop. I turned to talk with my friends son and held the camera over my shoulder and told him to guide me. So he told me "up, right" etc and I took a picture. The girls figured out what I was up to and did stop until I begged them to let me take a few pictures as I thought it was so cute. 

The boy I was talking with said, "My sister won't dance with me." He seemed sad about that. I asked him why he thought she wouldn't dance with him and he thought she felt it was "weird." 

It wasn't until that point that I thought how grateful I am that my girls like each other. I know my sisters and I fought growing up but I can only think of one time that my girls actually got into it. 

I guess I have started taking that for granted because it didn't seem weird to me at all that my girls would dance together. They like talking, playing games and joking with each other and we often just laugh for hours as one plays off what the other said. 

What we have is truly a blessing and I am SO blessed and grateful for the Princesses in my life. They bring me such joy and rarely give me stress (except when learning to drive but that isn't on purpose) as a mom. I must have done something right in heaven to be blessed with such loving, kind and charitable daughters to have in my family. 

Here is a video of their last dance. I think Princess Three is an excellent teacher and obviously, Princess Five is a great student and quick study. I do cherish each day with them.

It reminded me of the song... "I hope you dance...." I'm glad the girls decided to dance.....

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