
Monday, July 29, 2013

Thailand Adventure - Part 1

Princess Four has arrived home. She has been trying to regroup and get over her jet lag and time differences as they are almost exactly opposite us. She was up all night  and slept most of the afternoon but we are trying to get her back on track as she is heading out for a week leadership retreat this week. 

She had a great experience going to first LA, then to Singapore, then to Japan and then to Thailand. 

She said she started sweating the minute she got off the plane. She said it was so hot and humid that she, for the first time in her life, sweat until her shirt was wet. 

You can see all the kids with their cameras out as they first see the beautiful ocean. 

Then they went to the orphanage first and were welcomed by the children. 

Next, they went on boat rides to the island where the Moken people live. They did some service there but many of the things they planned to help with weren't useful as the people have come to figure out what they need to do to survive and our concepts won't work in their "world". 
They also didn't allow the youth to clean up certain areas as they were so filthy they were concerned about their health. 

I will try to put the pictures up in an order of her activities for a few days as there are so many cute pictures that I want to share. 

The school house is so sad. You can see the flooring is peeling up and isn't good. 

I am glad she was able to go and experience another culture for a few weeks and was able to share her beautiful spirit with the people there. 

She said the children there were all really small and the natives are afraid to go to the Dr.'s because one of the women was taken to the hospital and didn't come back. It really makes you grateful for clean and new schools and good medical care amongst other things. 
Isn't this shell decoration cute. They cute pieces of straws to put between the shells for spacers. Wouldn't this be a lovely view to have each morning when you woke up? The problem for them is that they don't have any modern conveniences. I could show the photos of the water well that Rotary helped put in but don't want to take space with that. Lets just say it doesn't make you want to drink the water. 

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