
Friday, June 14, 2013

Reunion Part 1 - Fun Group Games


They actually used an air compressor to shoot off the rockets that the kids decorated and made. They put them on PVC and used that as the frame to tape up the paper around it into a cylinder and they put foam in them to stop it up at the end and then shot them off with the compressor. 
I have seen it done with a pump and then release valve but the compressor made it easy and they would go higher so it was good. 

If you didn't have electricity, the pump and release would work better for camping etc. We have taken that type of system camping many times and the kids always have fun making the paper rockets and decorating them. 

This was really fun for the smaller kids. It is called Eskimo Blanket because they used to do this in Alaska. It was done by the Eskimos. The older kids and parents flung the kids into the air. 

It is a special blanket however that has hand holds sewn in on all sides so I wouldn't do this with just a blanket or someone's hands may slip causing injury. Each child got about four or five throws and all were smiles. (Some were after they were off the blanket!) 

This was a full sized air hockey table size that they used hockey sticks that were shortened to play "hockey" but it wasn't on air. The older children enjoyed this more than the younger kids. as you can see here. Even some of the adults got in on the action. 

You probably know this store bought game so I'll skip to another game.

This was fun and Princess one and Prince one were excited to do this race. They used duct tape to secure the legs but only used one piece. This was difficult to keep their legs together especially on the people who weren't even in size. 

I would suggest that you use ties or at least two places to secure the upper and lower legs together as everyone was excited to do this but there were a few scraped knees in the bunch after it was over. 

A potato sack race may have gone over better here but they did have fun. 

This is a softball on the end of a string and is for batting practice. I am not showing it because it wasn't that big of a hit as only one person can play at a time. It is really fun to do but not as a group game. 

This is also a store bought or made game that is really popular and  so I am not including photos here but it was also not something that lots could do at the same time. The other games were more popular but I am just including everything that was on the list to give you ideas.

This was a HUGE hit with the kids. This was something we did at our family reunions when I was a child so I suggested it when I was asked on game ideas. They got $60 in coins and some small toys and stuck it in saw dust. We used to do it in a hard sided baby pool but they just used a tarp which in many ways was easier to clean up. 
When we played it as children, they would allow children to go by age and would throw more toys and money in each age group but since our reunion wasn't as big, they just had the kids go at the same time. 

They kids loved it and they gave every child a gallon zip-loc bag at the beginning with their name on it and they got prizes for every thing they participated in and would add it to the bag so that things weren't left all over. It worked well and we knew where everyone's prizes were and  the kids loved it. 
This was a HUGE success and the adults even liked doing this. My princesses and several cousins spent hours filling balloons and putting them in coolers. When I asked Princess Five what her favorite game at the reunion was, she said "The water balloon toss." When it was time to do it, they had towels and everyone had a partner and two holding a towel across from them. The foursome that got the furthest apart without breaking the balloon won the game. They had enough for them to do it several times over. I was working on some other projects and didn't get any pictures of this game but EVERYONE was playing. Even the old timers got involved with this. I wish I had finished all my projects before hand so I could have enjoyed the events more but more on that later. Princess Two said that this was really fun for her and she thought it would become a water fight but since prizes were involved, the kids were really trying to make it work.
This was a big event as well. As you can see by the pictures, the kids LOVED participating in this. They had most of the little kids on one side with some big anchors in the back and then more teens on the other side. 

I had kids on both sides and loved everyone on both teams so I was cheering for everyone. As you can see, the competition got heated and they were really pulling with everything. 

It was fun for everyone and I would say it was a success. They purchased many types of non-chocolate candy cases so that everyone could get a sweet prize and then went to the dollar store and purchased lots of toy prizes and each child ended up with lots of candy, money and at least one toy prize. 

I think next year, the children will definitely want to come back to the reunion as it was fun for them all. I will post about some other things we have done or that we did for the reunion as well in my next post but this ended up being a long post but I am finally feeling better and hope that the worst is over and I can get back to living.

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