
Monday, June 10, 2013

Recouping From the Reunion

I had a very busy week this past week and was all over the place as were the girls. I had two hours sleep one night and no sleep the next night. It has been years since I pulled something like that.  I went to my mothers as I passed through town to fill up her pill containers. She has been quite sick and was on antibiotics. Between visiting her with her and my immune system being tired from no sleep, I caught something. I have had a killer headache all day, went to church this morning but couldn't even stay for the first hour as my body started to ache and my throat hurt etc. 

I came home and went back to bed and ended up sleeping until three. I had no energy today and sat working on the puzzle I have had going for a few weeks. So many times I have been tempted to just put it away but I remember why I don't do puzzles. I can't stop working on them. 

I do this every time. I sit thinking and working on it for hours or get involved in watching something and realize that hours have passed and I have a hard time stopping. 

Every girl has told me to put this 2000 piece puzzle away. I haven't had much help on it but Princess Four did do some sky at one point. 

I hope I feel better tomorrow. I had to take lots of stuff to feel better today. 

Have a great day!

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